10 foods that the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) loved


10 foods that the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) loved

1. Barley. It cleanses the body of harmful substances, regulates digestion and allows the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut.
2. Dates (dates). The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said that there is no food in the house without dates. It is beneficial for hair and skin, as well as related to vision and helps prevent liver disease. It is also good for the heart.
3. Figs. Improves digestion and helps with fatigue.
4. Grapes. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) loved grapes, which purify the blood, increase vitality, strengthen the kidneys, and cleanse the intestines.
5. Honey. Improves digestion, restores energy, enhances immunity.
6. Watermelon. The Prophet (pbuh) said that watermelon is especially beneficial for the health of pregnant women. The enzymes in it ensure the normal functioning of the intestine. “Any pregnant woman who consumes watermelon will give birth to a child who is beautiful in appearance and beautiful in character,” the Prophet (pbuh) said.
7. Sut. The Prophet (pbuh) said that there is no other beverage that can be compared to milk in purity. Milk strengthens the waist and brain, improves vision and memory.
8. Mushroom. The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said that it is a good tool for the eye.
9. Olive oil. It is an excellent tool for skin, hair, as well as slows down the aging process and improves digestion.
10. Anor. The Prophet (pbuh) said that the pomegranate would purify him from the devil and evil intentions within 40 days.

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