Cigarettes are 100 times more potent than cigarettes in terms of harm


Cigarettes are 100 times more potent than cigarettes in terms of harm

It has been calculated that 1 hour of smoking inhales more smoke than 100 cigarettes. That means 74 liters and 60 liters of smoke. I’m sure you understand how many liters of smoke are related to which one

Cigarette smoke contains carcinogens (carcinogens), formaldehyde, benzene, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, heavy metals and nitrosamines

Toxic substances in cigarettes, like cigarettes, cause cancer, cardiovascular disease and diseases of the respiratory system.

It is noteworthy that smokers are usually more likely to smoke than non-smokers. This means that when you smoke, the toxins reach the deepest and lowest parts of the lungs

Did you know !?

Will you continue smoking again !?

@andrology_uz 🚑 🌍

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