Strategy of actions on five priority directions of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2017-2021


I. Priorities for improving the system of state and society building
1.1. To further strengthen the role of the Oliy Majlis and political parties in deepening democratic reforms and modernizing the country:
increase the role of the Oliy Majlis in the system of state power, further expand its powers to address important issues of domestic and foreign policy of the country and to exercise parliamentary control over the activities of the executive branch;
action strategy
action strategy
radically improve the quality of legislative activity, focusing on strengthening the impact of adopted laws on the ongoing process of socio-political, socio-economic and judicial reforms;
development of the political system, strengthening the role of political parties in the life of the state and society, the formation of a healthy competitive environment between them.
1.2. Public administration reform:
reform the system of public administration and civil service by decentralizing public administration, increasing the level of professional training, material and social security of civil servants and gradually reducing public participation in the regulation of the economy;
introduction of modern mechanisms of public-private partnership aimed at increasing the effectiveness of mutually beneficial cooperation in the implementation of tasks on socio-political and socio-economic development of the country;
ensuring the transparency of public authorities, the introduction of modern forms of providing information on the rights and freedoms and legitimate interests of individuals and legal entities;
Improving the system of "e-government", improving the efficiency and quality of public services and increasing access to these services for the population and businesses.
1.3. Improving the public administration system:
introduction of effective mechanisms of communication with the people;
development of modern forms of public control, increasing the effectiveness of social partnership;
development of civil society institutions, increase of their social and political activity;
increase the role and effectiveness of the mahalla institute in public administration;
strengthening the role of the media, protecting the professional activities of journalists.
II. Priorities for ensuring the rule of law and further reform of the judicial system
2.1. Ensuring true independence of the judiciary, enhancing the prestige of the judiciary, democratization and improvement of the judiciary:
raising the status of judges and judicial staff, the level of financial incentives and social security, strengthening the material and technical base of courts;
to take effective measures to prevent unlawful interference with judges;
comprehensive application of the principles of independence and impartiality of the court, adversarial proceedings and equality in court proceedings;
Expanding the scope of the Habeas Corps, strengthening judicial control over the investigation;
further specialization of courts, strengthening the judiciary;
introduction of modern information and communication technologies in the courts.
2.2. Ensuring reliable protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens:
to ensure the timely resolution of citizens' appeals, the inevitability of liability for bureaucracy, formality and negligence in the consideration of appeals, as well as to take all necessary measures to restore the violated rights;
ensuring guarantees of reliable protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens in the activities of courts, law enforcement and regulatory agencies;
strengthening guarantees for the exercise of citizens' rights to private property;
ensuring that citizens have unimpeded access to justice;
increase the efficiency of execution of court documents and documents of other bodies.
2.3. Improving administrative, criminal, civil and economic legislation:
improvement and liberalization of criminal and criminal-procedural legislation, decriminalization of certain criminal acts, humanization of criminal penalties and the order of their execution;
improving the efficiency and quality of justice, improving the procedural framework of administrative, criminal, civil and commercial proceedings;
improving the procedure for consideration of criminal, civil and economic cases, reducing duplicative powers and instances;
introduction of modern forms and methods of electronic judicial and enforcement proceedings.
2.4. Improving the system of combating crime and crime prevention:
increase the effectiveness of coordination of activities in the fight against crime and crime prevention;
strengthening organizational and practical measures to combat religious extremism and terrorism, other forms of organized crime;
improving organizational and legal mechanisms to combat corruption and increase the effectiveness of anti-corruption measures;
raising the legal culture and awareness of the population, the organization of effective cooperation between government agencies and civil society institutions, the media.
2.5. Further strengthening the rule of law in the judicial system:
Effective planning and analysis of the work of law enforcement and regulatory agencies, the identification of systemic violations and the elimination of the causes and conditions that create opportunities for them;
training, selection, training, retraining and advanced training of judicial, law enforcement and supervisory officials, improvement of the rotation system;
Introduction of modern mechanisms of departmental control over the prevention, prevention and elimination of offenses among law enforcement and control agencies;
Improving the effectiveness of public control mechanisms over the activities of law enforcement and regulatory agencies, strengthening public confidence in the law enforcement system.
2.6. Improving the system of legal aid and services:
increase the efficiency of legal services of government agencies;
development of the institute of advocacy, increasing the role of lawyers in criminal, civil, administrative and economic cases;
reforming the system of notarial and civil registration offices.
III. Priorities for economic development and liberalization
3.1. Further strengthening macroeconomic stability and maintaining high economic growth rates:
maintaining stable high growth rates of GDP by maintaining macroeconomic balance, deepening structural and institutional changes based on the adopted medium-term programs;
ensuring balance at all levels of the state budget while maintaining the social orientation of expenditures, improving inter-budgetary relations aimed at strengthening the revenue side of local budgets;
Continuation of the policy of reducing the tax burden and simplifying the taxation system, improving tax administration and expanding appropriate incentives;
further improvement of monetary policy using instruments used in international best practices, as well as the gradual introduction of modern market mechanisms in currency regulation, ensuring the stability of the national currency;
deepen and ensure the stability of the banking system reform, increase the level of capitalization and deposit base of banks, strengthen their financial stability and reliability, further expand lending to promising investment projects and small business and private entrepreneurship;
expanding the volume of insurance, leasing and other financial services through the introduction and improvement of their quality, as well as the development of the stock market as an alternative source of capital and the free resources of enterprises, financial institutions and the population;
further development of international economic cooperation, including the expansion of relations with leading international and foreign financial institutions, the continuation of a well-thought-out foreign debt policy, the effective use of attracted foreign investment and loans.
3.2. Deepening structural changes, increasing its competitiveness by modernizing and diversifying the leading sectors of the national economy:
ensuring the balance and stability of the national economy, increasing the share of industry, services, small business and private entrepreneurship;
pursuing an active investment policy aimed at modernization of production, technical and technological renewal, implementation of production, transport and communication and social infrastructure projects;
further modernization and diversification of industry through the transfer of high-tech processing industries, primarily to a qualitatively new level, aimed at the accelerated development of production of high value-added finished products based on deep processing of local raw materials;
formation of an effective competitive environment for sectors of the economy and the gradual reduction of monopolies in the market of goods and services;
development of fundamentally new types of products and technologies, on this basis, ensuring the competitiveness of national goods in domestic and foreign markets;
Continuation of the policy of stimulating the localization of production and, above all, the replacement of imports of consumer goods and components, the expansion of intersectoral industrial cooperation;
reduction of energy and resource consumption in the economy, widespread introduction of energy-saving technologies in production, expansion of the use of renewable energy sources, increase of labor productivity in various sectors of the economy;
increase the efficiency of existing free economic zones, technoparks and small industrial zones, the creation of new ones;
Accelerated development of the service sector, increasing the role and share of services in the formation of GDP, radically changing the structure of services, primarily due to their modern high-tech types;
accelerated development of the tourism industry, increasing its role and share in the economy, diversification and improvement of quality of tourist services, expansion of tourism infrastructure;
liberalization and simplification of export activities, diversification of the composition and geography of exports, expansion and mobilization of export potential of industries and regions;
further development of road and transport infrastructure, introduction of information and communication technologies in the economy, social sphere, management system.
3.3. Modernization and accelerated development of agriculture:
deepening structural changes and consistent development of agricultural production, further strengthening the country's food security, expanding the production of environmentally friendly products, significantly increasing the export potential of the agricultural sector;
further optimization of arable lands by reducing the area under cotton and cereals, planting potatoes, vegetables, fodder and oilseeds on vacant lands, as well as the placement of new intensive orchards and vineyards;
Encourage diversification of farms, primarily engaged in the production of agricultural products, as well as processing, procurement, storage, sale, construction and services and creating favorable conditions for development;
implementation of investment projects for the construction of new processing enterprises, equipped with the most modern high-tech equipment for the deep processing of agricultural products, the production of semi-finished and finished food and packaging products, reconstruction and modernization of existing ones increase;
further expansion of the infrastructure for storage, transportation and sale of agricultural products, agrochemical, financial and other modern market services;
Further improvement of the reclamation of irrigated lands, development of a network of land reclamation and irrigation facilities, introduction of intensive methods of agricultural production, first of all, modern water and resource-saving agro-technologies, high-yield agricultural machinery use;
Expansion of research work on the creation and introduction into production of new selection varieties of agricultural crops resistant to diseases and pests, adapted to local soil, climatic and environmental conditions, as well as high-yielding animal breeds;
to take systematic measures to mitigate the negative impact of global climate change and the drying up of the Aral Sea on agricultural development and the livelihoods of the population.
3.4. Continuation of institutional and structural reforms aimed at reducing state participation in the economy, protecting the rights of private property and further strengthening its priority position, stimulating the development of small business and private entrepreneurship:
ensuring reliable protection of private property rights and guarantees, overcoming all obstacles and restrictions on the development of private entrepreneurship and small business, giving it full freedom, "If the people are rich, the state is rich and strong implementation of the principle "will be";
creation of a favorable business environment for the broad development of small business and private entrepreneurship, strict prevention of illegal interference in the activities of business structures by government, law enforcement and regulatory agencies;
further expansion of privatization of state property and simplification of its procedures, reduction of state participation in the charter funds of economic entities, creation of favorable conditions for the development of private entrepreneurship on the basis of privatized state property;
Improving the investment climate, active attraction of foreign, first of all, foreign direct investment in the sectors and regions of the country's economy;
introduction of modern standards and methods of corporate governance, strengthening the role of shareholders in the strategic management of enterprises;
improvement and simplification of procedures and mechanisms for connecting business entities to engineering networks;
reducing state participation in the regulation of socio-economic development of the country, decentralization and democratization of public administration, expanding public-private partnerships, increasing the role of non-governmental, public organizations and local governments.
3.5. Comprehensive and balanced socio-economic development of regions, districts and cities, effective and optimal use of their existing potential:
Ensuring comprehensive and effective use of natural, mineral, industrial, agricultural, tourist and labor potential of each region to accelerate socio-economic development, increase living standards and incomes of the population;
Expanding the scale of modernization and diversification of the regional economy, reducing the gaps in the level of socio-economic development of the regions through the rapid development of districts and cities with relatively low levels of development, primarily through increasing industrial and export potential;
Accelerated development of small towns and settlements through the establishment of new industrial enterprises and service centers, the creation of small industrial zones, the attraction of funds of large business associations, bank loans and private foreign investment;
reduction of subsidy-dependent districts and cities and expansion of the revenue base of local budgets through the rapid development of industry and services;
further development and modernization of production, engineering, communication and social infrastructure of the regions in order to create favorable conditions for the location of industrial enterprises and other production facilities, the development of private entrepreneurship and improving the living conditions of the population.
IV. Priorities for the development of the social sphere
4.1. Consistent increase in employment and real incomes:
increase the real income and purchasing power of the population, further reduce the number of low-income families and the level of income inequality;
Consistent increase in salaries, pensions, stipends and social benefits of employees of budgetary institutions in excess of inflation;
creation of new jobs and employment of the population, first of all, graduates of secondary special and higher educational institutions, ensuring the balance of the labor market and infrastructure development, reducing unemployment;
creation of conditions for full implementation of labor and entrepreneurial activity of the able-bodied population, improvement of the quality of the labor force, expansion of the system of vocational training, retraining and advanced training of people in need of work.
4.2. Improving the social protection and health care system, increasing the socio-political activity of women:
Ensuring mandatory social guarantees for the population, strengthening social protection of the needy and state support for the elderly and people with disabilities, improving social services, developing public-private partnerships in the provision of social services to the population;
Focusing on improving the convenience and quality of medical and socio-medical services to the population, the formation of a healthy lifestyle among the population, strengthening the material and technical base of medical institutions, the health sector, first of all, further reform of the system of emergency and urgent medical care;
more comprehensive implementation of comprehensive measures to strengthen family health, protect motherhood and childhood, expand access to quality medical services for mothers and children, provide them with specialized and high-tech medical care, reduce infant and child mortality;
to increase the socio-political activity of women, to strengthen their role in government and society, to ensure the employment of women, graduates of professional colleges, to involve them in entrepreneurial activities, to further strengthen the family base;
further development and improvement of the system of medical and social assistance to pensioners, the disabled, the lonely elderly and other needy groups of the population to ensure their full life;
further development of the pharmaceutical industry, improvement of the supply of the population and medical institutions with cheap, high-quality medicines and medical supplies, implementation of measures to prevent unjustified increase in drug prices;
ensuring a reduction in morbidity and life expectancy among the population.
4.3. Implementation of targeted programs for the construction of affordable housing, development of road transport, engineering and communication and social infrastructure to improve the living conditions of the population and modernization:
to further improve the living conditions of the population, especially young families, citizens living in dilapidated houses and other citizens in need of improved housing, through the allocation of mortgage loans on favorable terms and the construction of affordable housing in urban and rural areas;
radically improve the provision of clean drinking water to the population in rural areas by increasing the level of public utilities, first of all, the construction of new drinking water networks, the gradual introduction of cost-effective and efficient modern technologies;
ensuring that people live in an environmentally safe environment, construction and modernization of household waste recycling complexes, strengthening their material and technical base, providing the population with modern facilities for waste disposal;
radical improvement of transport services to the population, increase of safety of passenger transport and reduction of emissions of harmful substances into the environment, purchase of new comfortable buses, construction and reconstruction of bus stations and bus stations;
continuation of construction and reconstruction of road infrastructure, first of all, development of regional highways, capital and current repair of inter-farm rural roads, streets of settlements;
Measures to improve the supply of electricity and other fuel and energy resources to the population through the construction and modernization of new power generation facilities, modernization of low-voltage power grids and transformer substations, as well as expanding the use of renewable energy sources - implementation of measures;
development and improvement of theaters and theaters, cultural and educational organizations and museums, strengthening their material and technical base.
4.4. Development of education and science:
further improvement of the system of continuing education, increasing the capacity of quality educational services, continuing the policy of training highly qualified personnel in accordance with the modern needs of the labor market;
Take targeted measures to strengthen the material and technical base of educational institutions through the construction, reconstruction and overhaul, equipping them with modern teaching and laboratory equipment, computers and teaching aids. rish;
expanding the network of preschool education institutions and radically improving the conditions for the full intellectual, aesthetic and physical development of children in these institutions, significantly increasing the coverage of children with preschool education and providing opportunities for their use, improving the skills of teachers and professionals upgrade;
radical improvement of the quality of general secondary education, in-depth study of foreign languages, computer science and other important and demanding subjects such as mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology;
construction of new children's sports facilities, children's music and art schools, reconstruction of existing ones in order to involve children in mass sports, their involvement in the world of music and art;
Improving the training and employment of students of professional colleges in specialties that meet the needs of a market economy and employers;
Improving the quality and efficiency of higher education institutions on the basis of the introduction of international standards for assessing the quality of education and training, the gradual increase in quotas for admission to higher education institutions;
Stimulation of research and innovation activities, creation of effective mechanisms for the implementation of scientific and innovative achievements, the establishment of specialized research and experimental laboratories, high-tech centers and technology parks at universities and research institutes.
4.5. Improving state youth policy:
to bring up physically healthy, mentally and intellectually developed, independent-minded, loyal to the Fatherland, strong-minded young people, to deepen democratic reforms and increase their social activity in the development of civil society;
employment of graduates of secondary special, vocational and higher education institutions and their involvement in the field of private entrepreneurship;
support and realization of the creative and intellectual potential of the younger generation, the formation of a healthy lifestyle among children and youth, their widespread involvement in physical culture and sports;
social protection of youth, creation of decent housing and social conditions for young families;
organization of effective activity of public authorities and administration, educational institutions, youth and other organizations in the implementation of state youth policy.
V. Ensuring security, interethnic harmony and religious tolerance, as well as well-thought-out, mutually beneficial and practical foreign policy priorities
5.1. Priorities in the field of security, religious tolerance and interethnic harmony:
Protection of the constitutional order, sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
improving the system of information security and information protection, timely and appropriate response to threats in the field of information;
strengthening civil, inter-ethnic and inter-religious peace and harmony;
strengthening the defense capabilities of the state, increasing the combat power and potential of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
prevention of environmental problems that harm the environment, public health and gene pool;
improving the system of prevention and response to emergencies.
5.2. Priorities in the field of well-thought-out, mutually beneficial and practical foreign policy:
strengthening the independence and sovereignty of the state, increasing the role and place of the country as an equal subject of international relations, joining the ranks of developed democracies, creating an environment of security, stability and good neighborliness around Uzbekistan;
Strengthening the international image of the Republic of Uzbekistan, providing objective information to the world community about the ongoing reforms in the country;
Improving the regulatory framework of foreign policy and foreign economic activity of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the legal framework of international cooperation;
addressing the issues of delimitation and demarcation of the state border.

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