28-week fetus


With our pregnancy week by week guide, you can find out what to expect at 28 weeks pregnant.
28th week of pregnancy
Bu the beginning of the third trimester. Some women can easily do anything now if they want to.
Pregnancy From 28-36 weeks, prenatal medical examinations every in 2-3 weeks it can.
Is H
You start thinking about when to stop working during pregnancy. Many women 34-36 weeks the best time they know, but some stop earlier or have to work longer.
Depending on your job and responsibilities, you may need a certificate from an obstetrician-gynecologist to continue working at a certain point in your pregnancy.
Health problems during pregnancy
In the third trimester common problemsincludes:
  • swelling of the hands and feet — drink as much water as you want, elevate your leg as much as possible and do not wear heavy rings or other jewelry.
  • shortness of breath: your uterus rises up to your chest, which means there is less room for your lungs;
  • boil va reflux;
  • back and leg pain often bothers, in such a situation try to stand straight and tilt the pelvis forward;
  • milk flow from the breast observed as your breasts begin to produce colostrum.
If you suddenly experience symptoms of pregnancy-related health problems, or if your symptoms are severe and do not go away, contact your midwife or doctor as soon as possible.
Feeling stressed or sad
Antenatal check-ups are an opportunity to talk about any concerns or problems at home. Tell your doctor what is happening to you and how you are feeling, if possible psychologist be on the receiving end.
If you feel too stressed or sad, it can affect your health and that of your baby. If necessary, your midwife or doctor can refer you to another health professional, such as a counselor or psychologist.
More mood swings
Pregnancy is a powerful and life-changing experience for women and men. It is strong, deep and unexpected feelings and can cause problems.
Changes in hormones affect your mood or energy level. You and your spouse will have days when you feel good or nervous. Accept this as normal.
Ammo lasting more than two weeks and interfere with your daily life emotional changes, prenatal depression or other problems may adversely affect the child.
Make an appointment with your midwife or doctor to discuss these changes.
Your baby is 28 weeks pregnant
Your baby is getting bigger:
  • your baby's length is approx 25 sm, and the weight 1 kg.
  • some babies prefer to lie on their stomach at this time - head up, feet down. Don't worry about it now, most babies move head down during birth.
  • of your child immune system developing;
  • your baby vernix with, that is, white, creamy, covered with a substance that protects the child's skin from amniotic fluid;
  • your baby's eyelashes are growing;
  • if your fetus is a boy, his testicles scrotumfalls to
  • Babies born at this stage premature babies belongs to the category, but with special care, the probability of survival is high - approx 75-80%.
Your baby's movements should be constant and strong. If at any stage you notice a change in the amount or strength of your baby's movements, call your doctor or hospital immediately.

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