3 levels of developers! Junior, Middle, Senior


3 levels of developers! Junior, Middle, Senior

In the field of programming, 3 categories have been introduced in order to identify specialists at a certain level. This criterion is determined by the experience of the programmers in their field!

Today we want to give you a brief overview of the levels of programmers.

So we started:

🔹 Junior Developer: This level is the most difficult. Because for the programmer, learning from mistakes is required at this stage. The experience gained by making mistakes and correcting them with difficulties is the main knowledge that a programmer learns. A junior is not openly taught knowledge like a beginner.

🔹 Middle developer: In any team, the middle developer is seen as the person who does the most work, gets the least applause, and moves to the next level at a very fast pace. Middle programmer can be described as black worker or slave in code work. Because he performs a mixture of easy and difficult tasks, the final finished product will be the most absorbed by his work.

🔹 Senior Developer: In the team, the senior developer is seen as the person with the most experience and sufficient knowledge in his field. At this stage, programmers experience the Dunning-Kurger effect, which means "the more I learn, the less I know." They now face real life problems in computing and feel the weakness of their knowledge. But despite this, their knowledge of the field will only increase compared to the previous one.

🧑🏻‍🏫 There is no end to any knowledge in the world. Of course, programming has a lot to learn even after the senior level. So don't stop looking!

😉 We hope that the given information was useful to you. Keep following us!

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