5 Abstract on the initiative


     Under the chairmanship of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev on March 19 to strengthen attention to youth, to involve them in culture, arts, physical culture and sports, to teach them the skills of using information technology, to promote reading among young people , held a video conference on women's employment.
     30% of the population of our country are young men and women aged 14 to 30 years. Extensive conditions have been created for them to get an education and acquire a profession. At the same time, the organization of meaningful leisure of young people is a topical issue. The more spiritually mature young people are, the stronger their immunity against various alien vices will be.
It is known that the head of our state put forward 5 important initiatives to organize work in the social, spiritual and educational spheres on the basis of the new system.
The first attempt - To increase the interest of young people in music, painting, literature, theater and other arts, to reveal their talents.
 The second attempt - physical training of young people, aimed at creating the necessary conditions for them to show their abilities in sports.
The third attempt - aimed at organizing the effective use of computer technology and the Internet among the population and youth.
The fourth attempt - aimed at raising the morale of young people, the organization of systematic work to promote reading among them.
The fifth initiative - issues of women's employment.
This noble idea was launched during the visit of our President to the Syrdarya region, and in a short time great work has been done. 300 copies of fiction were delivered to district and city libraries of Syrdarya region. Music and art schools were equipped with musical instruments, sports facilities were equipped.
This work was continued in Namangan region, where the "Caravan of Enlightenment" was organized. 25 books, 80 types of sports equipment and musical instruments were delivered to young people.
In short, these 5 initiatives were met with great interest by our people, especially our youth.
The issues of widespread introduction of this experience in all regions of the country were discussed at the meeting.
According to the first initiative, today more than 800 cultural centers, 312 music and art schools in the country cover only 130 boys and girls, most of which have textbooks and a set of notes. , musical instruments, furniture and equipment were not adequately provided.
The head of state instructed to study the material and technical base of local cultural centers, music and art schools and the state of their use, and to improve their activities.
The Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Public Education, together with khokimiyats, have been tasked to establish an additional 1,5 clubs in district (city) cultural centers and secondary schools based on the interests of young people. It was noted that with the involvement of talented young people and local sponsors, it is necessary to establish amateur art groups, youth theater studios and "Youth Clubs" in cultural centers.
Taking into account the fact that the connection of famous artists and talented artists as assistants to the cultural work in the districts gives good results, instructions were given to spread this experience throughout the country. According to him, well-known artists are attached to districts and cities as creative consultants, responsible for the development of culture and art in those areas, and district and city mayors provide material and organizational support for this work.
Attention was also paid to the issue of increasing the number of highly educated personnel in the field of music and art.
The Ministries of Higher and Secondary Special Education and Public Education have been instructed to organize history lessons on specific topics in museums, historical monuments, shrines and theaters.
Discussing the issues of the second initiative, it was noted that there are more than 12 sports facilities in the country, but the level of coverage of youth in physical culture and mass sports is insufficient. The rate of equipping secondary schools with sports equipment is only 56% in the country, including 12% in Surkhandarya region, 14% in Khorezm and 15% in Karakalpakstan.
The meeting identified measures to involve young people in physical culture and sports.
Deputy mayors of districts and cities on youth issues, together with experts, were instructed to study the interest of young people in sports and the level of equipment of sports facilities, to make proposals on this basis, to determine the source of funding for their implementation.
It was noted that in remote and remote villages it is necessary to build small gyms and artificial turf from lightweight sandwich panels, to allocate land for entrepreneurs to organize sports facilities. The National Bank of Uzbekistan provides preferential loans to such entrepreneurs within the Youth is Our Future program.
It was noted that the appointment of well-known athletes who have won international competitions to local sports schools, as well as targeted training of athletes in special correspondence departments of higher education institutions will give good results. Tasks were given to increase the number of children and youth sports schools.
In the video conference on the third initiative, special attention was paid to the protection of young people from harmful attacks on the Internet, training them in the effective use of information technology.
The Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications has been instructed to establish Digital Technology Training Centers in all city and district centers on the basis of best international practices. These centers provide free training in e-commerce and programming, provide innovative business skills in the field of information technology, support for startup projects.
Despite the fact that all schools today have computer technology, it has been criticized that the internet service is not used enough. The Ministry of Public Education and the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications have been tasked to develop an action plan to provide computer classrooms in all schools with modern technologies and high-speed Internet by 2021.
It was noted that with the involvement of enterprising entrepreneurs, it is necessary to establish computer game centers, which will have tests, quizzes, development strategies and other useful programs that will serve to expand the knowledge and outlook of young people.
According to the fourth initiative, instilling in young people a love for books from childhood, the formation of independent thinking and a broad outlook will be a solid foundation in their way of life.
But many villages and neighborhoods do not have the necessary conditions for this. The "Information Resource Centers" established in place of the previous libraries failed to fulfill their tasks.
Given these circumstances, the new initiative plans to deliver additional books to places based on the number of young people.
The head of state instructed the relevant ministries and associations to publish books on artistic, educational and social topics within the Book Caravan project and deliver at least 1 million copies to the Republic of Karakalpakstan and all regions.
It was noted at the meeting that local governments should establish one model bookstore in each city and district center. The Agency for Information and Mass Communications is tasked to provide library services to the population of villages and auls by placing mobile book pavilions in all cities and districts, setting up "Bibliobus" in the Republic of Karakalpakstan and all regions.
The meeting on the fifth initiative also discussed issues of women's employment.
For this purpose, in 2019-2020 it is planned to build 195 sewing and knitting enterprises from sandwich panels in all districts. To build them, densely populated, labor-intensive areas have been selected. As a result of the establishment of these enterprises, it is planned to create more than 24 permanent jobs for women.
Taking into account the fact that the number of women willing to work exceeds the number of jobs, the President stressed the need to organize work in enterprises in two shifts, to produce consumer goods.
In order to widely implement the 5 initiatives mentioned at the meeting, officials in charge of all regions were assigned. The Chairman of the Jogorku Kenesh of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, khokims of Tashkent, regions, districts and cities, leaders of the Nuroniy, Mahalla foundations, the Women's Committee and the Youth Union are also personally responsible for these tasks. ul and was designated as responsible.
Department of Youth Affairs, Spirituality and Enlightenment

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