5 facts about presidents


1. President Donald Trump has given his name to 268 firms and facilities across the ocean.

2. Jean-Claude Duvale, who succeeded his father as president after the 1971 referendum in Haiti, was only 19 years old. The question in the referendum was answered in the affirmative by all Haitians.

3. 4166 Turkmen performed the song, composed by President Gurbanguly Berdymukhammedov, at the same time. The performance was included in the Guinness Book of Records.

4. The late Fidel Castro ruled for 52 years. The record among current presidents belongs to Teodoro Obiang Ngema Mbasogo, who has ruled Equatorial Guinea for 37 years.

5. Former Uruguayan President Jose Mujica spends 90 percent of his salary on charity each year. He now lives in a three-bedroom house on the farm, fetching water from a well.


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