6 measures against vasoconstriction in pregnancy


6 measures against vasoconstriction in pregnancy

Expectant mothers often suffer from leg cramps at night. The reasons and measures for this are listed below.
🔴 1. Lie on the bed while the leg veins tighten, slowly bend and release the legs until the pain is gone and continue the exercise slowly.
🔴 2. If it still doesn’t stay, massage your feet, if that makes you uncomfortable, ask your spouse.
🔴 3. Moisten the mustard, which can be found in pharmacies, on the affected area. Mustard warms and soothes leg muscles.
🔴 4. Also buy freezing gel creams sold in pharmacies. But first read the instructions carefully, if there are no contraindications, apply gel to the area where the vein is tightening, the muscles will relax.
🔴 5. Include magnesium and potassium-rich foods in your diet: potatoes, buckwheat porridge, watermelon, chocolate, bananas, apricot pickles, raisins and nuts.
🔴 6. Take contrast baths before bed for the feet. But the difference between hot and cold should not exceed 5 degrees. If you add sea salts to the water, they will help relax the muscles.

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