7 products that strengthen bones


In winter and cold spring days, we spend most of our time in damp, stuffy rooms. Therefore, we want to spend our free time outdoors and on the move (slopes, ski slopes, mountain slopes). However, such active recreation brings a lot of joy and increases the risk of fractures and injuries. This risk increases with age. Therefore, you need to start energizing the body in this regard. To strengthen bone tissue, you need to add more calcium and vitamin D-rich foods to your diet. So which products are good for bones?
Barley porridge. Start the day with a wholesome breakfast. Barley porridge contains a lot of vitamin D. Boil the porridge in water and add a little butter to the warm porridge. Then you enrich it even more with calcium.
Cottage cheese. An easy way to get calcium every day. Studies show that 150 grams of low-fat cottage cheese contains the recommended daily allowance of this mineral. In addition, it improves the activity of intestinal microflora.
Sut. According to scientists, 750 milliliters of this drink provides a daily norm of calcium. If you do not drink 3 glasses of milk every day, you can add it to cocktails, sauces and porridges.
Cheese. The amount of calcium in cheese depends on its type. High-quality cheeses and goat's milk are the leaders in this regard. But keep in mind that this product is high in calories and you should not eat more than 30 grams per day. It is enough to have 30% of the recommended daily amount of calcium.
Tunets. Oily fish is rich in vitamin D. For example, 100 g of canned tuna contains 39% of the daily requirement of this vitamin. Make yourself a bone-in fish salad for lunch. Add the greens, a piece of tuna, a boiled egg and your favorite sauce.
Spinach. Can't you eat dairy products? Perhaps spinach will help you consume the necessary calcium. One bowl of spinach contains almost 25% of the daily norm of calcium. Spinach also contains fiber, iron and vitamin A. Add it to the infusion.
Eggs. Note that modern chicken eggs contain 70% more vitamin D than before. By consuming 1 pair of eggs, you can get 60% of the recommended daily dose of this vitamin. It should be noted that vitamin D is found in egg yolks, so egg whites are less useful for bone tissue.

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