About the work of Alisher Navoi


In this book, all the friends of Alisher Navoi's "Khamsa"

the content of the tones is described. In them by the poet

The various events described are reflected only in the introduction

parts, over-the-top landscapes, monologues

slightly shortened. This prose interpretation of Navoi's epics

"Khamsa" is considered to be the flower of Turkish poetry.

we hope that it will help you understand his epics.

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ISBN 978-9943-27-356-6

© Alisher Navoi. "Hamsa." New Generation, 2016.

A GREAT ARTISTIC MONUMENTMedieval Eastern literature, especially Persian

and the tradition of Hamsa in the development of Turkish poetry

became of special importance. It's a tradition

The great Azerbaijani poet Nizami at the beginning

Ganjavi's second half of the twelfth century and XIII

"Makhzan ul-Asror" (1174 -

1177), "Khisrav and Shirin" (1181), "Layli and Majnun"

(1188), Haft Paykar (Seven Beauties, 1197) and

The epic "Iskandamoma" (1199 - 1201) is the basis

as they were after the death of the creator

“Hamsa” (Arabic for “five”) or “Panj

ganj ”(meaning“ Five Treasures ”in Persian)

very common in the form of a complete book with

was translated into various languages ​​and gained fame.

The individual epics in this book are one

how many poets are major poetic works on the subject

inspired to write.

Khisrav, who lived and worked in 1253-1325

Dehlavi wrote in his Persian-Tajik “Matla ul-an-

vor ”(“ The Beginning of the Rays ”),“ Sweet and His

rav »,« Majnun and Layli »,« Hasht paradise »(« Eight

heaven ") and" Mirror Alexander "(" Alexander the Moon ").

nasi ») created five epics, Nizami

Fiber has created a response to ‘Khamsa’ and this is a tradition

the leader bo lib came on the field.

Most of the poets of the XNUMXth century wrote “Ham-

if they tried to end the analogy with sa

both create one or more works

achieved. For example, Mevlana Ashraf, Mevlana 

Abdullah, a series of epics by Secretary Nizami-

Mawlana Faseh Rumi

to his "Makhzan ul-asror", Khoja Hasan Hizrshah

Epics similar to the epic "Layli and Majnun"

they wrote. But two great creators: Abdurah-

mon Jami and Alisher Navoi

managed to create.

His total work is not five, but seven epics of his own

including "The Secret of the Seas", "Lujjat ul-Asror" (875 -

876 h.), «Tuhfat ul-ahror», «Sabhat ul-abror» (887

h.), «Yusuf and Zulayho» (888 h.), «Layli and Majnun»

(889 h.), «Hiradnomayi Iskandariy» («Iskandar hik-

text ") (890 h.)

Also known as the Haft Avrang (Seven Thrones).

All of the above works

si in the Persian-Tajik language according to the tradition of that time

was written. As a result, the scholar knew the language

read only by readers, representatives of other nations

they are deprived of them, sometimes only through translation

they could enjoy these beautiful monuments.

Alisher Navoi in 1483 to this complex work

In two and a half years, "Hayrat ul - Abror"

"Farhod and Shirin", "Layli and Majnun", "Sab'ayi"

Sayyar ”and“ Saddi Iskandariy ”epics

He translated the book "Khamsa" into Old Uzbek.

a masterpiece of world literature that is beautiful and unique

enriched with.

Writing answers to Nizami's "Khamsa", no

otherwise, obcshatma to some of the works in it

The tradition of ending taboos is also in later periods

continued. Well-known literary critic YEBertels

According to his data, "Layla and

Majnun ”from Khusrav Dehlavi for a total of 24 

in Persian, Uzbek and Azerbaijani tffs created by the poet-

gi epics serve as the main source of uehun


In these works, Nizami's epic is not exactly repeated, but the socio-political peculiarities of each period

and spiritual and moral issues,

work events, some changes in emblems

included, pictorial-methodological principles are also one

Enriched with a number of innovations, the art is immense

developed, the riches of each national language and

the beauties were used more productively.

Five friends of Alisher Navoi

tons, compared to shoiming talcid, a total of 30 months

- Although it was created in two and a half years

Each of the works is the result of many years of creative work.

should be considered as a result of. After all, from a young age

The poet, who set himself this great goal, said:

sa »was created in advance, this ma-

Hundreds of historical, scientific and literary books

studied and researched the printer, each other

compared to  own Many teachers of the conclusions

and had also been tested by his peers.

That is why his five epics are the whole nation

reflecting the interests, centuries for the public

diamond wrath that will remain beloved throughout

is limmo-lim with the appearance of mons.

While Navoi was creating his "Khamsa", Nizami and

The great positive heroes created by the Dehlavi

abrupt change of position, more precisely, opposite

The method of embodiment as the owner of the properties

also applies to world literature

can also be considered a novelty. Because

The same interpretation of historical identity in the West 

in literature, for example, in Shakespeare's work

ramaydi. We are here, awalo, "Farhod and Shirin"

we are referring to the image of Khusrav in the epic.

Navoi has positive qualities in his teachers' "Khamsa"

King Khusraw, embodied as the owner

lim, as an invader, a deceiver, a nomadic ruler

in a way that contradicts the truth of history

reflecting on it in the student body

evokes a strong sense of hatred.

Farhad, a stonecutter in the image of the Salafis

loyal to the national hero in the sense of nakam

lover, humane, courageous and heroic young man

tida description is also new to our literature

was an expression of the artistic method. There is a bar described in the play

The acquisition of new content of events

also exalts the ideological and artistic value of the epic


The heroes of Navoi "Khamsa"

spirituality and for many generations in the brain

in manners, humanity and courage, patriotism and

bright, which serves as a generous boom

became artistic figures. Farhad and Qays, Suhayl and

Sa'd, Ahiy and Farrukh, Muqbil and Jonah.

ror images, Sweet and Layla, Mehr and Mehinbonu,

Dilorom and other spiritually mature women

emblems from the Navoi century to the present day

to educate our youth in the spirit of noble qualities

licking. Navoi and our genius creator

on behalf of the heroes of the work:

If you are a man, you are a man,

Oniki no people g 'amidin g' ami.

… Sacrifice your head to the spoon,

Make the body sadqa ano head.

… What in the world is man doing,

He is a man who knows by thinking.

… Someone, the word is true in the world,

Erur dol angakim o 'zi rostdur.

… Do good to everyone,

Good enough for himsuch wise ideas even in the period of independence

serving as a textbook of life for our youth

to be brought up as harmonious human beings

is helping.

It is necessary to analyze this, Alisher Navoi

While appreciating the epics of his predecessors,

serious in them in the preface of each work

The disadvantages of this radical proposal are small

uses a drastic correction path.

For example, Nizami and Dehlavi Bahrom, Khusrav

When describing a king like, the prince is lavish

their lives, their wealth, their world, their army, their throne

praise the splendor, the power, the buildings,

to people, such as Bahrom to their princesses

commenting on the order of inappropriate actions,

in this play free from the image of true love

both creative errors are so separate


"It's a shame to write for the ignorant

Let them do it for themselves.

They write innumerable songs,

Maybe they will write a book on the subject.

There is so much pain in everyone's eyes,

Qilgay o 'z «Panj ganjbdin bir ganj.

Allah, Allah! What a mess!

Woe to Sarbasar El! ” 

Alisher Navoi's epics are well-structured.

with the gradual development of events

lib stands. The poet is one of the heroes of his works

socialize every behavior, inner world

and a special emphasis on mental justification

does. In the beginning of any work

heroes' future events,

to kindness, love, devotion, patience,

to solve scientific and engineering problems,

therefore, prepares for the profession

their activities are sure in the reader

does. Farhod, Qays, Iskandar, Suhayl, Sa'd,

Heroes like Axis with such qualities

the reader wins the love.

Navoi, especially the heroes he created

it reflects his inner world, his psyche.

Farhod's experiences in Salosil fortress, Maj-

nun's sufferings in the steppes and deserts,

His lament at the Ka'bah, Layla's anguish

language words, like Alexander's letter to his mother

The pain of heart experiences in dozens of images

The expressions are very impressive.

will be discarded.

In the poet's "Khamsa" nature and human relations

The most attractive, the most elegant, the most impressive reflection

makes Every creature in nature, buijlar-u

seasons, moon-stars, every plant, heaven

Supporter of Navoi heroes, grief for them

smokes, extends a helping hand as much as possible, 

help to overcome difficulties.

The madman was lying unconscious in the garden, in the flower garden

all plants react to its condition-

Let's remember the landscape: in the flower garden, lost in the middle

Kays, who was lying alone, opened his eyes and said:

He saw himself in the chaman,

Sarv-u gul-u in jasmine.

Make-up on the nightingale's head,

Talk about rubbing salt in my wounds - d'oh!

Take care of the flower,

Rolling the rose collar.

Nargis shabnamdin tearfully exposed,

She is very young.

Chun has a scar on his chest,

Burns tulips on the chest.

Wounded blue purple grief,

Dressed in mourning.

Sunbul kipon kara uzorin,

Open black zulfi muskborin.

Weeping bitterly,

Pull the flour and weep bitterly.

Sarv oChtau free from labor,

I am very happy.This kind of sincere and touching image is natural.

the horse's sympathy for the human race is infinite to him

his kindness is skillfully drawn

costs The poet is also a lover of nature

in many places

di. In particular, Farhod is a victim in front of his scientist

He turned to the mountain and said:

… There are so many beds for you,

Shame on you, shame on you.

Gahi is a tesham sheath,

Gahi body metinim shikofi.

When my face is full of tears,

Dud sometimes on your head.

Bori jurmumga tigi afv surgHl,

Forgive me when I go. ”This kind of friendship between Nature and Man

attitude, loyalty, compassion are all in Navoi

belongs to the positive heroes.

Alisher Navoi is wide in our classical poetry

with om i from the various methods used

will be used effectively. Therefore, “Ham-

pure realistic life events in his epics

The scenery is also romantic, intense.

resurrected imagery is also characteristic of folk oral art

without mixing even the most fantastic fantasy sheets

we will meet. For example, Farhod from the mountain

planning of drainage activities, drainage

sometimes, if the preparation plates are accurately described

Farhod is romantic to prove his power

appeals to landscapes. His giant and aj-

and the geniuses of war are exaggerated

described. The same four in other epics

method can be used together. It is kind of syncretic

The realistic life image of the mix is ​​brighter

aims to bring.

Your army in the epic "Saddi Iskandariy"

clashes, especially one-on-one fights,

disputes between kings, of the wall of Alexander

construction convinces the reader of a vital image.

Many stories in the epic "Sabayi Sayyar" 

nor does it cast doubt on the veracity of your story.

In the first story, Ahi tells his wife, Farrukh

all sorts of weird things

masin, the high humanity peculiar to Ahi, it

to do so in order to save the scientist

His clapping is too much for the one who thinks rationally

does not seem unnatural. The story of Suhayl and Mehr

also stands out with its authenticity.

Navoi is clearly visible in "Khamsa"

in bin epics again from the discoveries that stand

giving a wide space to scientific and vital emblems.

A poet who has been interested in science and science since childhood

In the epic "Farhod and Shirin" robots

describing the machine as a weapon of evil forces

of human thought, Farhod's

had described his victory over the higher bodies.

In the epic "Sabayi Sayyar" 35-45 Navoi hours

A car called "Sariyus Sayr", which travels for miles

thinks about. These tools are fast for people

allows you to move.

In the epic "Saddi Iskandariy" the world

lighting Jamshid Jami, worked by Chinese scholars

two magnificent mirrors, created by Greek sages

wonderful jam and usturlob instruments are depicted. Mal-

against the armies of Alexander the Great

The mysterious weapon made from is reminiscent of an atomic bomb.

Such a description we find in the works of other poets

we do not meet. True, the poet's predecessors Iskan-

He made a glass jar and tied a rope to it.

Hundreds of fish live under water

was talcified, but Navoi is the same image

when attributed to a scientific-imaginary emblem, the reader

Feeling unconvinced, the king's activist 

yacht as an expression of his prophetic power

prefers to show.

Alisher Navoi is the founder of "Khamsa"

each of your epics had a large volume,

fiber to the laws of high spirituality and art

written in practice and rich and beautiful

expressed the subtlety of the Uzbek language

is a perfect work of art. In the literary language of the fifteenth century

created and for modern readers

quite incomprehensible, more precisely, obsolete

words, a variety of language arts and styles

To understand this monument in the Navoi language

hard work, constant work on dictionaries

requires The book was completed in the XNUMXth century

and then reading and understanding the epics

It has not been easy for the general public to suffer.

abbreviated to "Khamsa" for its usefulness

and simplified international prose copies

created. Literary critic Makhzun, by Umar Baki

his books were such works.

Navoi's "Khamsa" epics are easier to understand

A few attempts in the last century for the thorns

done. O.Sharafiddinov, YEBertels, V.Zohidov,

A.Qayumov, P.Shamsiyev, O'Karimov, S.Mutalli-

bov, A.Rustamov, S.Erkinov, N.Mallayevvabosh-

Navoi's "Khamsa" epics by Qalar

excellent prose texts are composed and copied

was published. But students, high school and college

students and a large number of poets of the great poet.

These are also excellent prose editions for lychees

apparently. In any case, our youth

many are better than the content of the Hamsa epics

they are not aware. In schools, lyceums, colleges 

can't afford it - get books


Taking into account Shulami, we

Only the main content of the epics 

brochures and links

ing the experience of collecting it all in one book

we preferred to present as. Published by

Download the introductory and concluding parts of the work

Here are some of the ones I found to be interesting:

landscapes, monologues are condensed. This

A different approach to the full understanding of your epic

does not allow. Learn more about them

a complete prose of your epic to have

statement, as well as Navoi's epics themselves

should be fully acquainted. The book you have is a friend.

make it easier to understand the content of the tones

it just helps.

Because the book is being published as an experiment

it may also have some flaws.

The place of our scientists, Navoi scholars

The same advice from Navoi "Khamsa"

to make the publication more complete

We hope it will help.



ABOUT THE HISTORY OF CREATIONThe crown on the heads of beautiful speakers, the truth

the pearl of the ganji crown, the ore of the virtue deposit

guardian, precious of the sea of ​​maturity

the creator of ganjalic meaningful words1

"Khamsa", "Five", which are the criteria of opinion

not to be called "Panj ganj" ("Five Treasures")

is worth it. This wonderful masterpiece of punctuation

the sky was called "Nizami." It's in the title

by adding five letters, of Allah

a number equal to one thousand and one names appears. His

the earth is lim-lim, perhaps, from the durs of his work

The sky is filled with precious things

the boxes are also overflowing.

The friend created in the poetry of the Indian rider2

each of the tones is a region of the Indian tones.

tiga ohcshaydi. He is the treasure-scattering king of Ganja

was the king of the Nizami climate, Nizami,

it was Khusrawi. The Ganja sun has its own flag

When he saw it, he left the land of words alone.

whichever country he conquered

Khisraw also took up arms.

Which shabistongaki ul did azm,

This spot made the party at the party.

She is beautiful "Maxzani asrori" religion,

This illuminates the “Matlayi title.

Many people also did tatabbu 'havas,

Sarv-u brought the flower to his trunk.

1 Nizami Ganjavi is meant.

2 Khusraw Dehlavi means.

A person who is different from another person,

Did not give iodine eskifalak flange.He is today the leader of the Sufis, the mystery of truth

The opener is a treasure trove of subtle meanings

duri, the mirror of the face of emotional meanings, poems

popular in world climates, prose works are alive

occupied their lands. Lutf-karami, gift

His bounty became famous among the kings and beggars.

those who served him were proud for a lifetime

they walk. But he paid special attention to me

looks, every work he writes is from what I have seen

only then reaches the river.

Poets on one of the most beautiful days of Bahá'u'lláh

in the circle of scholars, singers and musicians

including about the poetry of great people of the past

When it comes to payrov, Nizami

and Khusraw. Of both creative works

the fame of the world, the "Ham-

It is noteworthy that the salutation is pleasing to the people of the world

opinions were expressed. Especially in a total of ten epics

the presence of a special om i of the first two pearls,

the spiritual highness of the scholar, the artistic perfection

There was a lot of talk about it.

A month or two later, he was blessed

they were guests at my house. A few in their hands

there was a book. He took one of them in his arms and laughed

stood up and grabbed me.

Who said, "Look at Alibon's head,"

Look from head to toe.

I gave my life in cash,

I took it and it was smooth.

The head-to-toe pearl was shahvor3,

Which was a tuhfat ul-ahror 4.

It's time to dump her and move on.

I was overwhelmed by lust.

Who put this way inside, gom,

A few dot o 'Jesus manga is also hirom.

Forsi o 'ldi chu alarğa ado,

If I do it in Turkish, it's the beginning.

Forsi el topti chu joy,

The Turkish spot is a mess.

On the way, this is the Nizami way,

Khusrav and Jami are my hands.And the walls of your heart-pleasing bond

will have four stalks. The grass is the water and the air

as pleasant as the soil is fragrant

inevitable. Cypress is the buyer of flowers and tulips

It is clear that there will be a market for firewood. At

If the black silk dress with las is cute, the dog

The wool is also useful for palos. With Lai

If amethyst and dur are precious, why amber

attracts straw? King with three different may

find joy, from the rest of the mud, at least

a drunkard who drinks mayonnaise

nadi-ku. I am as low as a dog

I realized and tied myself to the rope of the elders.

If they take y o l towards the desert of absence, so will I.

I am like a shadow to them.

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