December 1 International AIDS Campaign


Subject: December 1 is International AIDS Day.
Educational purpose: To provide students with theoretical knowledge about AIDS.
Educational purpose: Negative of the disease in the minds of students
to encourage the struggle to absorb and prevent the consequences.
Course type: work on a new problem.
Course methods: Conversation, debate
Classroom: pictures, slides, videos, handouts.
Website you use:
Course Outline:
I. Organizational part:
greeting, determining attendance.
World and country news review:

There is a saying hello,
It is close to the heart
Respectfully yours
People laugh

Hello how are you
It means
He is such a word,
It fills the world with beautiful light.

II. Strengthen homework:
1. When was the national flag of the Republic of Uzbekistan approved?
2. Describe the national flag of the Republic of Uzbekistan
3. The size of the state flag of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
III. New topic statement:
Treatment is about maintaining health and treating disease.
1. What is HIV?
2. What is AIDS?
3. What is immunity?
4. Under what conditions is HIV transmitted?
5. How many different ways is HIV transmitted?
6. What is addiction?
7. What is a drug?
8. Who diagnosed HIV infection?
9. What are the symptoms of the disease?
10. How long does a person with AIDS live?
After answering the students' questions, Nuriddin Omonov, a specialist at the Surkhandarya Regional AIDS Center, will inform the students about the disease.
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (directed from AIDS)
The red tape, the symbol of the fight against AIDS, is AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome), a syndrome that, if left untreated, can lead to immunodeficiency of HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus).
Those who carry HIV are called HIV-positive. HIV positive and AIDS are different. Not every HIV-positive person joins the ranks of AIDS. Today, HIV-positive people are treated in a variety of ways and live without joining the ranks of AIDS. People who are HIV-positive do not expect to die anymore. With current treatments, HIV / AIDS is a more chronic disease.
The HIV virus does not show up for several years after being infected in the blood. If tested after infection, it will show a correct response only after 3 months.
1 Symptoms
2 Protection
3 What is a germ?
4 Viruses
5 Bacteria
After being infected with HIV, the symptoms of AIDS appear after 3-5 years, sometimes even longer, depending on the person’s living conditions and immunity. To various cells in the HIV-infected body. more CD4 + T increases by settling in blood cells. As the damaged CD4 + T cells decrease, the immune system begins to lose its strength. A person with AIDS has a much longer duration of illness, which usually lasts only a few days. Enlargement of the lymph nodes, recurrent herpes in the mouth and skin, ulceration, the appearance of spots. The patient begins to sweat at night, fever, weight loss. If a person develops more than one of these symptoms, it is likely that the person has AIDS. Kaposi's sarcoma and lymphatic disease may be signs of HIV. An anti-HIV test is done to detect this.
Before taking a stranger's blood, it is important to check if he or she has been tested for AIDS.
Used and non-sterilized needles, surgical instruments, scissors, dental instruments, acupuncture needles should not be used. Such devices must be sterilized before use. Before using such a tool on anyone, that person should ask the specialist all the questions they would like to know about these tools.
A patient who is HIV-positive should never donate blood to anyone.
An HIV-positive patient should not have sexual intercourse without any protective equipment.
Open wounds should be covered with vapor plasters or sterilized cotton, gauze, etc. to keep germs / viruses / bacteria from entering the body.
What is a germ?
Microbes, the smallest living things on Earth, have been around for billions of years. But people found out in 1683 that you had a link. Antony van Leeuwenhoek, a Dutch businessman who has a hobby of making various lenses, discovered that when working with these lenses, you have a very small creature. It was discovered in the late 2th century, two centuries later, that microblaming had led to disease. There are many types of microblaming.
Viruses are the smallest microbes and do not consist of a single cell. They consist only of genes.
Bacteria are much larger microbes than viruses. If a virus were the size of a human, the bacterium would be the size of Freedom Square in New York. Often living on their own
they feed on living things. Bacteria have been around for 3,5 billion years.
Questions asked by students to the specialist.
1. Is there a cure for AIDS?
2. Are measures developed to prevent AIDS?
3. Who gets AIDS?
4. In what cases is HIV not transmitted?
5. What can be done to prevent the spread of AIDS?
Leader of the Kamolot Youth Movement in Surkhandarya region
made a presentation to students through the video "Do not be ungrateful." Students who actively participated in the lesson were awarded by the "Kamolot" Youth Movement.
Topic using a video about AIDS
V. Homework:

Preparation of creative works on the theme "The plague of the AIDS century."

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