Development of the event "Alisher Navoi - the sultan of ghazal property"


Alisher Navoi birthdaydedicated toAlisher Navoi is the sultan of the Ghazal dynasty" event development on the topic
Beginner: Hamdamova Shohida, a student of the native language and literature course
A lion roaring in the high mountains,
The echo is equal to the cry.
Her son, who was breastfed,
The peoples of the homeland are doing what they value.
The so-called Uzbek free nation,
Otaxon poet is a dear master.
When lovers sing the ghazal,
The room for lovers is beautiful.
Beginner: Rozieva Yulduz, a student of the native language and literature course.
An Uzbek who has been respected for five hundred years,
Suppose you were born yesterday.
For thousands of years,
People call children childless.
Like Alisher Mushtariy star
When it shone from the Uzbek sky
Like seeing another respectable boy
The world has opened up.
Hello, happy descendants of my country,
Navoi generation pink faces.
The descendants of the happy generation,
Barchinoy girls mohichehralari.
1 Beginner:
February 9th. This day is celebrated in all developed countries of the world with a special splendor, a special grace, a special joy. Yes, on the morning of February 570, 9 years ago, Hazrat Mir Alisher Navoi was born. More than five centuries have passed since then, and this sacred name is still deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.
Nazira Fayzieva, a student of the native language and literature course.
Alisher Navoi studied the secrets of poetry, and his masters collected pearls from the sea of ​​creativity and created such works as "Hamsa", "Khazayn ul-maoniy", "Majlis un-nafois".
At the age of nine, he entered the world of art, and at the age of 10-12 he was praised by his teachers.
Work hard for a living.
Know the key to your happiness.
Native language and literature course student Jumaeva Gulnoza
Today we bring to your attention our art evening "Mir Alisher Navoi, the Sultan of Ghazal Property" dedicated to the 570th anniversary of the great poet, the sultan of the realm of poetry, the sun of the sky of poetry Mir Alisher Navoi. Welcome to our night, dear teachers!
Native language and literature course student Nurova Gulchehra
Dear ones, may the Lord not lead you astray from the path of truth, and may you be the guarantor of a happy life and steadfast in the path of faith.
Native language and literature course student Halilova Mubarak
Alisher Navoi, the great poet and thinker of the Uzbek people, the great scientist and statesman, one of the great figures of world literature, is a man capable of love.
Native language and literature course student Eshpo`latova Shakhlo.
Alisher Navoi, who throughout his life fought for the well-being of the people, made a great contribution to the development of science, art and the Uzbek literary language, classical literature to a new level of development.
The listener of the circle dances.
Native language and literature course student Nasrullaeva Shokhista
That's the word
We came to talk about it.
It's a galshan word, a circle word.
We came to Sarafroz etgali.
Come on, friends
All guests are wise
Welcome to Navoi
We look forward to welcoming you.
Native language and literature course student Hosilova Hilola
My eyes fell on Navoi's poem
I forgot in amazement
This magical lake looked magical
A conference with blue on the ground
Native language and literature course student Yuldasheva Ma`mura
In the space of the pharaoh's time
In the air that cannot be found in heaven
Sarbaland rises like mountains
Great images that adorn the world
Tursunova Feruza, a student of the native language and literature course
Greater than the great mountains,
Liquid is more fluid in the mountains.
Navoi looks at me,
His breath hits my face.
Native language and literature course student Qosimova Khursand
The great beings of the Islamic world have prophesied this sacred wisdom to us.
Native language and literature course student Yuldasheva Ma`mura
Whenever a person remembers someone from his people, his pure souls visit that house.
Native language and literature course student Temirova Oynisa
My grandfather Alisher in a royal dress
A thousand years of pain in his thoughtful eyes
The whole world calls him a sage
hello, Sultan of the Gazelle Kingdom.
Our great compatriots Zahriddin Muhammad Babur, referring to the great names of Hazrat Alisher Navoi, said: “Alisherbek was a man without a minister. They recited poems in Turkish, but no one recited much.
Assalom wise Alisher
Great genius Alisher
Your hearts are happy today
You live forever
Navoi: (Work course listener)
Whatever the meaning of death in my heart,
The language has been in the form of poetry for months.
He sacrificed his life for the poem,
The dome sounded like a dome.
A listener of the native language and literature course will perform a song.
 Native language and literature course student Rahmonova Gulnara
The word is the target of the living,
The word informs the soul.
Man is a lost animal,
Bilki guhari sharif is no more.
Navoi: (Worker student Tojiev Hasan)
What a wonderful citizen has built an amazing assembly?
What is the reason for this conference?
Nazira Fayzieva, a student of the native language and literature course
The goal is to please a wise soul like you,
Every Uzbek in our country is a Navoi
Navoi: (Worker student Tojiev Hasan)
Do they still remember me?
Native language and literature course student Jumaeva Gulnoza
A child who speaks Navoi's poetry,
A boy and a girl who are not proud of their grandfather
Navoi (Worker student Tojiev Hasan)
Do they still remember my songs?
Native language and literature course student Nurova Gulchehra
If it is circumambulated like the Qur'an, it is worth your "Khamsa"
It is a rare apartment that is not included in the "Chor Devon"
Native language and literature course student Yangiboeva Confectionery.
The world and the soul. . .
The boundaries of both are boundless.
A restless soul wandering the world.
The flours of the heart, which did not find pleasure in traveling the world, turn into unique poems and gazelles, darkening the white paper.
Native language and literature course student Halilova Mubarak.
In this way, the boundless longings and sufferings of the human heart, delicate, priceless works of art will become the wealth of the nation.
Native language and literature course student Eshpo`latova Shakhlo
"Khamsa" is another gem of the greatness of the native language.
Native language and literature course student Nasrullaeva Shoxista "Khamsa" is a great masterpiece of Navoi's greatness.
Native language and literature course student Hosilova Hilola
The truth is with the people, in the hands of the people,
Eternity is a torch, in the way of truth.
Navoi: (Worker student Tojiev Hasan)
Thank goodness I'm dying
I found a story in my notebook
Amazed to see the breed
I said to his horse, "Hayrat ul-abror."
(The story of "Shah Ghazi" will be staged).
Beginner: (Native language and literature course student Salimova Zilola) One day Shah Ghazi goes on a trip. As he was walking, an insane old woman stopped him.
Camper: (Native language and literature course student Kholikova Marxabo) You killed my only heir, my heir, you are a murderer. Come on, you and I will go to the sharia court.
Beginner: The king agreed to go to court in accordance with Sharia law.
King: (Listener of the National Idea Course Eshankulov Shakhobiddin)
 If it's my fault, I'll go.
Beginner: In front of the Shari'a judge sat two: the plaintiff, the old king.
Camper: He killed my only son during the struggle for the throne. now he must answer for his murder.
Judge: (Listener of the National Idea Course Juraev Bahadir)
Bring two witnesses to any lawsuit under Sharia law, do you have a witness?
Camper: I have two witnesses. He is the justice and fairness of the king.
Beginner: The just and just king, of course, pleaded guilty. Then the Shari'ah judge ruled:
Judge: Or the king should be executed for murder. Or have to pay for a diet.
Beginner: Notice the attitude of the king, who is in control of the fate of the whole country and its people.
Beginner: The king gave the old woman a sword in one hand and a plate of gold in the other, and said:
King: If you seek revenge, shed my blood with the sword, and if you need wealth, take my wallet full of gold.
Camper: No, I don't need your life or your gold. I lost one son and found another. Be so just and fair to your people.
Beginner: Then this old woman is called the golden old woman. Such a just and just king can be the head of his country. Alisher Navoi described Hussein Boykaro based on the story "Shah Ghazi". The word "Gazi" means "Victor".
Navoi: (Worker student Tojiev Hasan)
O you, the love stolen by Farhod.
O you, sweet, love from sorrows.
(Farhod and Shirin appear on the stage).
Sweet: (Native language and literature course student Fayzieva Nazira)
How are you, poor stranger?
I am from the state of Visolim
What is the moan for the body of this burden?
What is the freedom between hardships?
How free are you in a bitter situation?
Farhod: (Geography student Zozirov Uktam)
Nigoro, the condition is clean
King of the prisons of the world
I'm sorry to hear that
erur darding smoked box soul too.
Navoi: (Worker student Tojiev Hasan)
Even Navoi could not find his way
Is the steppe alive?
oh, the love you created as an executioner
O love you have created as a murderer.
(Layla and Majnun appear on the stage).
Majnun: Boboyorov Shodali, a student of the National Idea Course
No, it's weird to call you an angel
Who doesn't love you?
Mendek erur malak means rev
Whoever sees me is a dry mutar dev
Love is the quality of my body.
Who died, all my body.
Layley: (Sultanova Lobar, a student of the circle)
That was the goal for me in your love
Whoever sees me is a novice
Davron was making this request
What I wanted was a scientist
What I dreamed of in your love.
I was perfect.
Dream is a wonderful way for my scientist
You stay well and stay alive.
not easy to stand in this area,
Hit Nizami's paw.
It is necessary to have a poetic battle in front of the poem,
If the lion can't win, it's all palande.
Navoi: (Worker student Tojiev Hasan)
Ashraf grabbed the Haft Paykar and bowed.
Seven beauties bowed to him
King Bahrom stood up.
Saodat played the guitar, Dilorom
Beginner: Circle listeners Seven beauties
Alisher Navoi in 1484 created 4 epics of "Khamsa" "Sabbai Sayyar". The work is dedicated to Shah Bahrom. The loss of her lover Dilorom is a source of grief. To get him out of this mood, the Council of Ministers will build seven towers dedicated to him. These seven palaces will host a banquet for the horn. The beauties from the seven countries try to get the king's day. The seventh beauty was her lover Dilorom. (Six beautiful dances, Dilorom playing dutar).
Navoi: (Worker student Tojiev Hasan)
Ketur soki filled and jami adl
That showed Alexander the Great
My lord, justice is his business.
He is one of the unequal kings.
Saddi Iskandari. Kholikova Markhabo, a student of the native language and literature course in the role of mother.
(Alexander's letter to his mother is read behind the scenes).
This letter is from me, my soul is in agony. In the hands of death, he became paralyzed
Alexander is the soul of my broken body. My body is a mine of priceless pearls
My word to my mother-in-law is that I left you for a long time, I came away from you and tortured you. Although I disobeyed your order, but you accept my request, mother… Put my body in a coffin, march day and night, and take me to Alexandria, but when you put me in a coffin, ruby Be sure to pull one hand out of the coffin, just as the thread was pulled out of the hole. So that the people will look at this hand not with astonishment, but with example.
Navoi: (Worker student Tojiev Hasan)
I will not regret the life I spent on Jame.
A thousand times thanks to the Creator.
Is my people, my country, my language safe?
Native language and literature course student Yuldasheva Ma`mura
Navoi is a bright nation that shines on our heads
Uzbekistan is the light of your holy image.
Navoi. (Worker student Tojiev Hasan)
Where is the music of the nation?
What about my gazelles?
When I was burning
The choice you make is careless
It's a bit of a pain
A byte that scratches my heart
That's what I do
I go back five centuries
An opportunity to stop at any address
I will say "did not come".
(Navoi ghazals are recited)
Navoi: (Worker student Tojiev Hasan)
The reason for the immortality of the works I create is that I use folk oral art.
(Words of wisdom of Navoi are spoken)
Navoi: (Worker student Tojiev Hasan)
Do what I say to the nation
Love what I write
The study of Navoi's work began in his time. These studies were particularly well conducted in the twentieth century. Our famous artist Oybek created the poem “Navoi”, the novel “Navoi”, M.Juraev created the collection of narrations “el desa Navoi”, Uygun and Izzat Sultan jointly created the drama “Alisher Navoi”. (Guli and Navoi appear on the stage).
Morning time. Navoi is sitting in the shed and writing poetry.
Navoi (reads).
e, nasimi subh, tell my dilorom about my condition!
Zulfi sunbul, face is a flower, tell my cypress flower!
Kom talxu, boda zahru, ashk gulgun bolg'onin…
Flower (sharedo will be. Listen to Navoidi. Then add.)
Tell my sweetheart, her lips are sweet and cheerful.
Navoi:          Let the light of my eyes come, let my pure flower come!
Come to the nightingale in the garden of dreams!
Flower:               Seeing you alone in the flower garden
Without question, in silence, I am a seductive girl,
Excuse me, I dared to come.
Navoi:          Come to peace of mind! I hit the target.
You're so annoying! Are you getting up early?
Are you alone?
Flower:               You woke up in the morning and had a sweet ghazal
I have always been accustomed to hearing.
Navoi:          Did you listen?
Flower:               I'm not the only one, flower,
Samo, er, koinot, aftoda bulbul -
The whole living and inanimate jam listened.
Who hasn’t enjoyed Gazaldin like this?
Ghazalkim, you are kind and faithful.
Ghazalkim, love to speak, safodin,
Ghazaldin, who hasn’t enjoyed it like this?
Navoi:          You are the inspiration of the soul, my dear.
All this is for you.
Flower:               God knows, your word is a lie.
Navoiy:          Nechuk? Well!
Flower:               You've been missing a lot lately.
Strange, poor me - earth, you - heaven.
Shipsmell:          My dream is to be with you sooner or later,
I just couldn't find a way.
We are digging ditches, there is a lot of work in the deserts,
Rabotu, madrasa, a lot of work on the roads.
Every particle of earth on earth,
Work says every clean leaf in the garden.
Guthere:               Who is human, who is human
The grief of the people is my son-in-law.
Navoi:          Loyal, that's why I'm short,
When I get there, it's all over.
Yellowi:               Alisher! Truly a lion, a great lion!
A place that wants to do great things
You will be as brave as a lion,
You will not return when the sword comes,
There are only so many, so many enemies.
Navmonth:          Engur is the light of darkness, of course.
Flower:               However, the power of darkness is still great,
There are many who extinguish the light of truth.
I had a bad dream last night
U i miss you so much…
Navosmell:          Nechuk dream?
Guthere:               Don't ask
Navoi:          Speak, my dear!
Guli:               My tongue never goes, my heart is full of fear. ..
Where you lie, your hands and neck are tied.
And a ball of knife that surrounds you.
As I wrote, I would weep my hair,
I was a knife in my heart
I woke up scared and suddenly found out
Sleep well. That's when you cry
my heart is hard, my tongue is burning,
For example, make a ring on fire…
Navoi Strict response from Guli's wordsirlanadi. Ammo ta'strying to hide his irritability, he begins to rub Gul.
Navoi:          Gulim, don't bother in vain,
Do not torment yourself, do not grieve.
If you are brave, the color of panic fades,
Belief is usually the opposite of a dream.
You called me a lion, the enemy is a rabbit,
The work of rabbits is clear to you.
Flower:               True, lionless… only… chain busy lion….
Navoi:          (severely affected).
Surprisingly, the chain is busy lion, engaman, he says.
Flower:               without you i hurt you…
Navoi:          (his new office Gpresents to his son,
Flower:               (Takes the cabinet.)
With my soul.
Navoi:          Newly written
With your love
Grown, matured.
In general, expressive reading is one of the most important means of aesthetic education of students, sharpens the mind, arouses pleasure and tenderness, and develops the ability to think and speak correctly.
Unless the Uzbek is alive
Let your hearts be filled with joy
Even if it is in another country
Let your grave be full of flowers
Your soul is happy, your dignity is prosperous
Let the flowers grow on your head
Farhod quality of your sons
Have sweet daughters.

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