Factors that contribute to the development of prostatitis include:


Factors that contribute to the development of prostatitis include:
- Peculiarities of the anatomical structure of the prostate gland;
- Disorders of hormone metabolism;
- age-related changes;
- inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract;
- Inflammatory diseases of the kidneys and bladder;
- sexually explicit lifestyle;
- cooling of the whole body;
- accumulation of urine in the urinary tract;
- sedentary lifestyle;
- Weakening of the immune system.
Any combination of the above factors can lead to inflammation of the prostate gland.
Treatment of prostatitis requires antibacterial therapy, prostate massage, physiotherapy, strengthening the immune system and lifestyle changes.
A necessary note for patients
- Since the causes of prostatitis are different, treatments aimed at finding a single cause and treating it do not lead to the expected result. The clinical signs of the disease may not be noticeable, if you have pain in the pelvis, unpleasant sensations during urination, urinary drip, a feeling of urinary retention, incomplete emptying, standing up to urinate at night, urination be sure to consult a urologist if there are deviations from the path, in rare cases, sexual dysfunction is observed;
- The diagnosis of prostatitis is made in a complex way, because it is necessary to take into account the type of disease, stage of progression, complications and other factors that determine the method of treatment. The clinic of prostatitis may vary from patient to patient. Therefore, only a specialist doctor can make a correct diagnosis;
- As the course of the disease is specific, the treatment is also specific. The clinical course of prostatitis is not the same, sometimes the disease is triggered, sometimes complications occur, sometimes it can be latent. For this reason, constant medical supervision is required;
- The correct choice of antibiotics for the treatment of prostatitis should be made, their dose and treatment regimen are selected individually for each patient, and this is done after determining the urogenital microflora;
- Prostatitis cannot be cured by getting rid of the infection. Blood circulation in the prostate gland should also be corrected;
- Because the pathological changes of the prostate gland are specific and varied, there is no universal drug to treat it. Your doctor may prescribe you different medications and different treatments;
- Even if long-term remission (suppression of chronic disease) is achieved as a result of treatment, prophylactic medical examination (6-12 months), as you may not notice it when the disease is triggered;
- Patients who say that it is right to follow the advice of several doctors at the same time are mistaken, because even the right advice can sometimes contradict each other. Therefore, treat the disease on the advice of a doctor;
- normalize your sex life;
- Do not consume alcohol during treatment, they are a stimulant of prostatitis and detract from the effectiveness of treatment;
- Cooling of the body, even for a short time, leads to an exacerbation of the disease;
- Physical labor and sports have a positive effect on the treatment of prostatitis;
- Chronic constipation disrupts blood circulation in the prostate gland, adversely affects the course and treatment of prostatitis;
- Timely detection of recurrence (recurrence of the disease) is easily treated, follow the advice of your doctor during remission;
- A healthy lifestyle and a spirit of self-confidence and optimism, regardless of the disease, is a guarantee of quick and effective recovery from the disease.
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www.andrology.uz 🌎

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