To the doctors


Bordir is the elegant gardener of the flower of life,
Bordir is a wonderful column of sky music.
Life-giving, healing,
Dear doctors of Bordir Uzbek.

He will share his sorrows when he is in pain,
Even a baby will find peace in his heart.
It is accompanied by human breath,
There are my dear doctors.

Where are you going without getting hurt,
Even yourself without understanding the medication.
After all, with a doctor, your pain,
There are dear doctors of my Uzbek.

Ok robe, these syringes will rest you when they multiply,
You will not find solace in this rest of your heart.
The arrow flies like a bird, giving you peace of mind,
Dear Uzbek doctors.

It burns so as not to hurt, the propeller is next to you,
The paths that connect night to morning are in your eyes.
It doesn't hurt at all,
Dear Uzbek doctors.

Lead a healthy generation, so that my people do not suffer,
He will stay awake at night, wishing his child good health.
I live in a prosperous time, my people are my homeland,
Dear Uzbek doctors.

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