How to lose weight properly at the age of 20, 30, 40, 50 years


❓ How to lose weight properly at 20, 30, 40, 50 years old
☝️Expert advice
? Candidate of Medical Sciences Farah Fahad found that in order to lose weight quickly and safely, women need to organize their diet properly according to their age.
✅ 20 years old
If there are no problems with the thyroid gland or hormones, the metabolism works much better at this age. When a 20-year-old girl starts to gain weight, she doesn’t have to go on a diet that strains the body to lose weight, just avoid fast food, pizza, salty and sweet products. As a result of switching to eating foods made from natural products at home, you can get rid of excess weight quickly and without harming the body.
✅ 30 years old
A slowing of metabolism is observed but this does not mean that you should stop eating. According to research, women who have nuts, seeds and grains in their diet can lose weight fast. Doctors at this age advise to follow the following scheme: one day to eat only salads and greens, one day to eat lean products, another day to limit yourself to nothing, and for light food to eat cereals and nuts It is recommended to make the goods.
✅ 40 years old
As a result of the slowing of metabolism, the body finds it difficult to digest heavy food. For this reason, it is important to eat foods rich in fiber, which have the ability to accelerate the process of digestion and the excretion of fat from the body. You should also avoid pastries and starchy foods as much as possible. Porridge for breakfast, vegetable soup for lunch, and a vegetable garnish with lean smoked fish or chicken for dinner are the best options.
✅ 50 years old
At this age, a protein-rich diet is recommended. Protein intake is necessary in order not to lose muscle mass, and at the same time vitamins and minerals should be included in the diet. The fact is that with age, the body becomes deficient in vitamins and trace elements, and therefore many people take them in tablet form. In order not to strain the body in this process, experts recommend a diet at this age, without rushing, with caution, without losing more than 2-3 pounds a month.

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