If the hair falls white early


Gray hair will sooner or later make everyone think. It is natural for white hair to increase with age. But today, some 20-25 year old girls complain a lot about the white fibers that fall into their hair. If you don't want your hair to turn white, follow these tips.
Pay attention to the diet! Getting proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle is another golden rule to prevent hair bleaching. If your hair is turning gray with great speed, then pay close attention to your diet and temporarily avoid foods that you eat a lot. Then it will be easier to determine the cause of gray hair. Experts say that a person who eats a lot of beans, spinach and turnips in his daily diet does not bleach quickly. Try it for yourself. Iodine-rich products are also the best remedy for gray hair.
Help from butter. The minerals in ordinary butter also slow down the hair bleaching process and even help with coloring. Melt the butter and rub it into the hair roots with a massaging motion. It is recommended to repeat the treatment twice a week.
Get rid of stress! One of the main causes of premature hair bleaching is severe depression. Constantly thinking about something, feeling restless, and living in fear of something can eventually lead to stress. As a result, not only the hair but also the body can suffer. To avoid this, learn to keep yourself free and solve your problems in a calm way, not nervously. Strengthen your body by doing regular physical exercise.
Black tea gives color! Black tea is one of the most effective means used to stop hair bleaching. The beneficial feature of black tea is that it not only stops the bleaching process, but also helps to restore the gray hair to its previous state by re-coloring it. Mix a cup of bitterly brewed black tea with a tablespoon of vegetable oil and rub it from the roots to the ends of the hair. It is recommended to apply the mask twice a day for best results.
Another method! Mix a cup of bitterly brewed black tea with 1 tablespoon of table salt. Then rub this mixture on your head with a massaging motion and wait for an hour. After the allotted time has elapsed, rinse with lukewarm water. The treatment is applied once.

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