The study of the invaluable scientific and spiritual heritage of the great scientists and thinkers who lived and worked in our country, the scientific translation and popularization of their works, as well as the collection and delivery of electronic copies of manuscripts stored in libraries and archives abroad are becoming urgent issues. .
In this regard, the first President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the late Islam Karimov, said: We respectfully mention the blessed names of our great ancestor Imam Bukhari. The most reliable collection of hadiths, the Al-Jame 'as-Sahih, which is the flower of the noble legacy, is the second most sacred source in Islam after the Qur'an. ra, it is the greatest of the books written by mankind. For twelve centuries, this book has enlightened the hearts of millions of people with the light of faith and called them to the path of truth and religion. ”
Abu Abdullah Muhammad ibn Ismail al-Bukhari was born in Bukhara in 810 AD (194 AH) and grew up as a child, learning from the leading scholars of Bukhara and having a strong memory and sharp intellect in the science of hadith. At the age of sixteen, Imam al-Bukhari, accompanied by his mother and brother Ahmad, went on a pilgrimage to Mecca, where he remained and continued to study the science of hadith. He wrote down the hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) from among the great scholars there, traveled to famous scientific centers in the Islamic world at that time, visited villages and towns, and participated in discussions on the science of hadeeth. As a result, Imam al-Bukhari matured in the science of hadith and divided the nearly 600 hadiths he had memorized into sahih and non-sahih.
Imam al-Bukhari is revered among the Islamic world and hadith scholars as "Imam ul-Muhaddithin" (Leader of All Hadiths). Of Imam al-Bukhari Al-Jami 'as-Sahih When it comes to the work (Reliable Collection), it can be said that this source is used in Islamic teaching as the main source after the Qur'an. In the books of hadith compiled before the time of Imam al-Bukhari, authentic and non-authentic hadiths are given in a mixture, and the reader is asked whether a hadith in them is true or false, and whether the hadith is narrated by a narrator. he could not know without checking and identifying. To do this, the reader would have to ask the scholars in order to clarify that hadith.
During this difficult period, Imam al-Bukhari completed the book Al-Jami 'as-Sahih in 16 years and systematically compiled more than 7275 authentic hadiths into chapters.
Imam al-Bukhari's book Al-Jami 'as-Sahih has received more than a hundred commentaries and commentaries by well-known scholars. Examples include Fath al-Bari, Al-Kawkab al-Darori, Irshodus-Sari, Umdat al-Qari, Fayzul Bari, and many others.
In addition, Imam al-Bukhari's Al-Adab al-Mufrad (Masterpieces of Manners), Birr ul-Walidayn (Respect for Parents), At-Tarikh al-Kabir (Great History), At-Tarikh al-Awsat ”(Medium History), At-Tarikh as-Saghir (Small History), Al-Jame 'al-Kabir (Large Collection of Hadiths), Kitab al-Ilal ( He has more than twenty works, such as the Book of Defective Hadiths, Kitab al-Kunya (Nicknames of the Narrators of Hadith).
Imam Bukhari's creative legacy is astonishing in its scope and its comprehensive coverage of the religious and social sciences of his time.
During his visit to Samarkand region on April 2017-14, 15, President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev proposed to build an international research center at the Imam Bukhari Memorial Complex, saying: There is a unique spiritual atmosphere in this place where I live. Let the visitor of the complex enter this center and get a lot of food and learn from the wisdom of our ancestors. Then a sense of pride in our great ancestors will develop in their hearts, and at the same time the generation of such great people will feel the responsibility. ”
Hence, the content of the hadiths strengthens the faith and belief of every believer and at the same time encourages a person to spiritual maturity. Therefore, the hadiths are an important source in the formation of a perfect person, and their use in the education of young people is one of the urgent tasks of today.
Committee on Religious Affairs
Department of Education