Interesting facts about Alisher Navoi


Nizamiddin Mir Alisher Navoi was born on February 1441, 9 in the Garden State House area of ​​Herat, close to the Timurid family, in the family of Giyosiddin Bahodir, a civil servant.
Historian Mirkhand writes in "Ravzatus-safo" that Amir Alisher's grandfather was a nurse with Umarshaikh, the son of Amir Temur. Below we present interesting facts and information about the life of Alisher Navoi.
1 - Navoi generously paid teachers, students, and even cooks and cleaners of the madrassas he built. Navoi himself personally gave the most educated students 24 gold coins a month and five bags of soup a year. At that time, it was possible to get 5 fat sheep for a student's monthly pension.
2 - At the age of 7, Hazrat Navoi memorized Farididdin Attar's Mantiqut-tayr.
3 - Alisher Navoi calls his poems in Turkish Navoi and his poems in Persian Foniy. The poet's collection of Persian poems is called "Devoni Foniy".
4 - Navoi meets Abdurahmon Jami at the age of 18-19. Jami values ​​him as both a child and a student. Later, the teacher-student relationship between these two great poets became even stronger and became a creative collaboration.
5 - Samarkand plays an important role in the life and work of Navoi. Alisher came to Samarkand in 1464, where he studied at a madrasah and got acquainted with science, literature and art.
6 - Navoi built more than 300 facilities in Herat and throughout Khorasan at his own expense.
7 - In Navoi's works, Farhod is a symbol of a perfect man. He has been thirsty for knowledge since childhood and will never forget what he once read. When Farhod reaches the age of ten, he can master all the sciences.
8 - The name "Guli", described as Navoi's lover, occurs only in folklore, legends and myths about Navoi. Guli's name does not appear in any of the written sources that provide information about Navoi's life.
9 - Alisher Navoi memorized more than 50 poems of his favorite poets during his adolescence.
Alisher Navoi's ancestors were poets, musicians and calligraphers
10 - Alisher Navoi was born into a family of creative intellectuals. His grandfather Abu Said was a poet. His second grandfather, Muhammad Ali, was known as a musician and calligrapher.
11 - In 4-5 years, Navoi turned the deserted Guzurgoh steppe into a prosperous place, a fertile land, a beautiful village. Seeing this, Hussein Boykaro held his collar in astonishment.
12 - Navoi became rich in a short period of time by using his father's capital as an inheritance. He mainly created gardens and focused on farming. All the lands belonging to Hazrat Navoi were 500 jeribs. Proceeds were spent on the construction of cultural and educational facilities, housing, charity, science.
13 - Alisher Navoi received the title of "muqarrabi hazrati sultoniy" ("the closest person to the sultan"). The title gave Navoi the right to interfere in all state affairs.
14 - 7-year-old Nizamiddin Mir Alisher memorized more than six thousand hadiths of our great muhaddith Bukhari.
15 - Navoi once paid 25000 dinars at his own expense, saying that if taxes were collected from the people, the Muslims would suffer if taxes were increased in the state treasury of Hussein Boykaro.
16 - Navoi's inheritance from his father, the income from the property and lands allotted to him as a state official, amounted to 18000 royal dinars per day.
17 - The revival of the Turkic language was a great courage of Navoi for our spirituality. Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur wrote, "They recited poetry in the Turkish language, but no one spoke much and well." Hussein Boykaro wrote, "
18 - There were also Navoi stalls, which were located in the busiest markets. Hazrat Navoi himself personally supervised the accuracy of the stone scales in these stalls, not to betray the buyer's rights, not to put extra money on the imported goods, except for travel expenses.
19 - Alisher Navoi was in the Sufi order of Naqshbandi. His Sufi philosophical and aesthetic views are reflected in Lison ut-Tayr.
20 - The great Suleiman Navoi highly appreciated his work and kept his manuscripts and works in his library.
21 - Navoi's passion for science awoke early and he began school at the age of four.
22 - Navoi made three pilgrimages. But for various reasons he was not fortunate enough to go on pilgrimage.
Mir Alisher Navoi wrote ghazals from the age of 7-8
23 - Mir Alisher started writing poems at the age of 7-8.
24 - There are several monuments to Alisher Navoi in the world: Moscow, Navoi, Osh, Tashkent, Samarkand, Baku, Tokyo, Shanghai. A monument to Navoi is also planned to be erected in Washington.
25 - Alisher Navoi introduced the Turkic language along with the Persian language. Until then, no one had written in Turkish.
26 - Alisher Navoi created works in 16 literary genres. Navoi wrote the first "Hamsani" in Turkish for 2 years. This work has been translated into 64 languages ​​of the world and has more than 51 verses. The poet's lyrical heritage is concentrated in four devons (50000-1491) called "Khazoinul-maoniy" with a total volume of more than 1498 verses.
27 - Navoi used the property left by his father and the total wealth he accumulated to build more than 300 buildings for the people.
28 - Navoi built a courtyard along the biblical river in Herat. Its area was 30 acres (0,25 acres). The hotel can accommodate more than 100 people.
29 - At the age of fifteen or sixteen, Alisher Navoi became known as a "bilingual" poet who wrote in both Turkish and Persian.
30 - Navoi created under two pseudonyms. He wrote in Turkish under the pseudonym Navoi, while his work in Persian is known as Foniy.
In 31-1469, on the occasion of the accession to the throne of his friend Hussein Boykaro, Navoi wrote the poem "Hilaliya" consisting of 90 bytes ("hilal" - the new moon).
32 - In 2009, the crater on Mercury was named in honor of Alisher Navoi.
33 - Alisher Navoi died on January 1501, 3. It was pouring rain at his funeral. Historian Khandamir described it as "even nature mourned."

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