Is it permissible to sit in a car and pray?


Assalamu alaykum. Is it permissible to perform the prayers while sitting in a car without performing the sunnah, even if the prayers are facing the qibla while traveling a long distance?
And peace be upon you. It is not permissible to perform the obligatory and obligatory prayers in a car.
The supererogatory prayers can be performed while traveling in a car or in a car, whichever way you go. In this case, the worshiper should not be driving a car or a car.
The supererogatory prayers can be performed on the animal only in the presence of the qibla.
Regarding praying on a horse, Mulla Ali Qari said: “Supererogatory prayers can be performed outside the city (that is, in places where a foreigner prays) by riding a horse and gesturing to the other side of the qibla. Imam Muslim, Abu Dawud, and al-Nasa'i narrated from Ibn 'Umar that they said, "I saw the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, turning towards Khaybar and praying on his horse." According to another narration, "… They did not do this (that is, praying on the animal) as obligatory." Sunnahs before and after the fard are also supererogatory. Only Imam A'zam, may God bless him and grant him peace, recited the Sunnah of Fajr from the horse, because it has been emphasized in relation to others.
It is not permissible to recite the fard, including the vitr. It is permissible only if there is an excuse, if the disease increases if he falls from the animal, if he is afraid of a beast or an enemy, or if the ground is muddy and his face is covered with mud in prostration. Similarly, the vowed prayers, the qadha of the broken nafl, the funeral prayer, and the verse of prostration recited on the ground are not performed on horseback (Fathi Babyl inoya). Vallohu aʼlam.
Fatwa Board of the Muslim Board of Uzbekistan.

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