Can I breastfeed my baby during pregnancy?


🤷🏻‍♀️Can I breastfeed my baby during pregnancy?
⭕️Most people answer sav🏻‍♀️ “NO” to this question.
Is that really so?
💁🏻‍♀️Today on the topic that caused so much controversy☝️
🤰🏻When a woman becomes pregnant, the lactation process does not stop by itself. The milk supply will continue. However, due to hormonal changes in the milk of a pregnant mother, the amount of lactose decreases. Sodium, on the other hand, goes medium, and as a result, the taste of breast milk changes, that is, it becomes unsweetened. When the baby does not like the fresh taste of milk, he refuses to breastfeed and begins to freak out. In some cases, it can also cause diarrhea in children
In addition, 70 percent of women who become pregnant during lactation experience a decrease in breast milk supply. But this is not the case in all women. Everyone's body is different. ☝️Including children
There are mothers who are comfortable breastfeeding their older child until the end of the pregnancy, and when a new baby is born, they continue to breastfeed both together like twins. This will not harm the fetus or the older child
‼ ️It’s important to know ☝️
During breastfeeding, oxytocin is produced in the female pituitary gland. The same substance is used to contract the uterus during and after childbirth. However, up to 20 weeks of gestation, oxytocin does not affect the uterine nerve tissue, so breastfeeding is possible. If a pregnant woman does not want to wean her older child, she should tell her gynecologist and monitor the pregnancy closely. If pregnancy problems (risk of miscarriage, placental abruption, or other adverse factors leading to termination of pregnancy) are observed, then breastfeeding should be discontinued in order to maintain the pregnancy.
🙅 Breastfeeding is prohibited for pregnant women in the following cases:
📍Age of the woman who became pregnant
📍 Presence of chronic diseases in women
📍 Problems during current and previous pregnancies;
📍The results of the tests are abnormal (for example, low hemoglobin levels can adversely affect the fetus, and breastfeeding further reduces this figure, etc.);
📍Increased nipple sensitivity (pregnant woman's breasts become very sensitive, which can cause pain and discomfort during breastfeeding);
📌Changes in the taste of breast milk (in some breastfeeding women there is a change in the taste of breast milk after the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, when the baby itself begins to refuse the breast)
Some doctors recommend stopping breastfeeding immediately if pregnancy is detected. You need to make sure there is a real reason to do so. If the baby is over 1 year old, then weaning slowly without hurting the baby without haste will not harm him. But a baby under the age of 1 is in dire need of breast milk, the mother’s loving bosom, both physically and mentally. Therefore, if a pregnancy occurs, it is important to come to a conclusion that takes all aspects into account before deciding whether or not to stop breastfeeding.

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