Is it possible to lose weight with water?


Of course there is an answer to this question. Dietitians have already proven in practice that it is possible to get rid of excess weight with water. We hope that these tips will be of interest to our fans who want to lose weight with the help of water and know how to use it properly.
Water instead of food. Water satisfies hunger, or rather thirst. Sometimes a person is mistaken for thirsty or hungry. This is due to the fibers in the brain that respond to these two senses. That's why we often eat something instead of drinking water.
Bottom line: if you feel hungry, drink half a glass of water first and wait a while. After that, if you're still hungry, it's time to eat.
Rejuvenates the skin. It is well known that the body needs enough collagen and protein to keep the skin looking young and wrinkle-free, and sometimes women who are losing weight complain of sagging skin. As mentioned above, if you drink water properly, you will not have this problem.
Conclusion: Women weighing about 100 kg are deficient in drinking 8 glasses or 2 liters of water per day. For this reason, dietitians recommend that those who want to lose weight with water lose every kilogram of body weight. It is recommended to drink 30 ml of water per kilogram. 50 kg. and for overweight women, that's a lot. So they can drink up to 2 liters of water per day.
Loses excess weight. Water is absorbed into every cell in the body, enriches it with nutrients and washes away harmful ones, especially excess fat. For this reason, all dietitians recommend drinking 2 liters of water per day, during any diet. Water can cause headaches, which can occur during the diet, and prevent fatigue.
Corollary: Always try to have a bottle of water in front of you. Also, don’t forget to drink water every 15-20 minutes.
Returns swelling. If the body does not have enough water, the lymph and blood thicken, their circulation slows down, and as a result, the legs become swollen. Swollen feet mean that cellulite will soon become your "friend".
Conclusion: It is recommended to drink the main part of the prescribed amount of water in the first half of the day to return the swelling, and to be satisfied with one or two glasses of water in the evening.
Remember! Be sure to consult your doctor before using the above recommendations! Because the human body is complex and qualified doctors know exactly what suits whom.

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