What does it mean when the eye ages by itself, is there a cure?


📍What does it mean when the eye ages by itself, is there a cure? 🤔

🔴In many people, the eye ages without any side effects, even in normal work activities, and it becomes as if the love has been abandoned or the onion has grown and the eye is tearing.

What is the reason for this?

There can be 2 different causes: 1 from the eye, 2 from the nose

1️⃣ When the fault is in the eye: there is a tear hole in the lower and upper corner of the eye, and there is a special way that connects the eye to the nose, which continues through this teahik.
Manashu cries when the hole closes.

It is much easier to treat, especially in children under 3 years of age

2️⃣ When the fault is in the nose: tears are also present when there are various inflammations in the nose or wrinkles in the nasal barrier.

➡️So tears are not so dangerous, only when treated in time, if delayed, can lead to negative consequences.
Do not take arbitrary treatment measures 👨‍⚕️