'Let's sing the anthem' holiday program


'Let's sing the anthem' holiday program
Saidova Sharofat DJumanazarovna
Khorezm region, Urgench city
No. 21 specialized school
elementary school teacher   
lesson plan from spirituality hour
2nd grade 36 students
Subject : Hymn, play!                                                
    Annotation for the course work
The importance of spirituality lessons in educating students to be loyal to our Motherland, proud of their nation, spiritually mature, physically strong, perfect person. This lesson is designed for 2nd grade students.
We will conduct the lesson in the form of a round table discussion in the form of a conversation, discussion. Brainstorming, explanatory, demonstration methods were used in the lesson. At the end of the lesson, "Thanksgiving" slide show was held to show gratitude for our peace. can reach.
"Etiquette" textbook
"High spirituality is an invincible force" IAKarimov
The "Class Leader" window
  Lesson development from the Spirituality Hour
Subject : Hymn, play! 2nd grade
In connection with the adoption of the National Anthem of the Republic of Uzbekistan
The goal:
Educational:students learn through didactic materials that it is a sacred duty to appreciate the blessings of independence, to be loyal to our Motherland. To develop the ability to work effectively in a team in collaboration with TK-1; TK-2media develops the ability to acquire media culture, spiritual, mental, intellectual and creative development, TK-3 strives for maturity, independent learning throughout life
Educational:the child is brought up in the spirit of love for the state symbols, love for the motherland, respect for national values, patriotism; formation of gratitude for peace: TK-4 Socially active civic competence - to feel involved in and actively participate in events, happenings and processes in society, to know their civic duties and rights, National and intercultural competence - to develop the ability to be loyal to the motherland, kind to people and believe in universal and national values
Developer:Develop students' free thinking skills
 Course type: reinforcing, forming new insights and knowledge.
Course methods:  conversation, presentation, question and answer.
Classroom: Cluster, themed booklets. Handouts, pictures, slides about the symbols of the Motherland, DVD.
We must raise our children ourselves, not leave them in the hands of others.
Shavkat Mirziyoyev
  The course
1. Organizational part
(The lesson begins with a poetic greeting from the students)
Students:Assalamu alaykum, dear teacher,
We always bow to you.
Teacher:  Valaykum assalam, my children,
My faith, my joy, my dear readers.
(Students sing the national anthem).
Attendance, health, date of students will be determined. We ask students to complete the assignments they have completed on the previous topic
2. The main part.Teacher: - My children, what wishes do you have for today's lesson?
(3-4 students express wishes).
  • Dear classmates, I wish you all a happy mood!
  • And I urge you all to be vigilant, disciplined, and to listen carefully to the opinions of others.
Teacher: - What year has 2017 been declared by our President?
Reader:Year of dialogue with the people and human interests
Teacher: Barakalla. Now let’s test who is more selective, observant. Tell me, what changes have taken place in our country? Who initiated all this?
We will talk about the work being done on the Action Strategy program.
Here are the questions asked in the rays of the sun, and if you answer the questions correctly, the sun in our sky will shine.
Students answer the questions posed behind the beams and glue the beams in place
 Question 1 'What do you know about road signs?
Question 2:When was the Convention on the Rights of the Child adopted?
Q3: Which articles state your right to education?
4. What groups of road signs did we meet?
5. When was our constitution adopted?
6. When was the flag of our country adopted?
7. When was our hymn received?
We focus on what is happening in the world.
The documentary "Conspiracy of the XXI century" around the round table
We will discuss. What the students saw
They tell about their impressions. Incentive card
 as we encourage them with a smile (smilies).
3. New topic statement.
We announce a new topic and write it on the board. What is a hymn?
A hymn is a hymn that means to glorify, to glorify.
The National Anthem of the Republic of Uzbekistan was adopted on December 1992, 10 at the XI session of the Supreme Council.
Discussion with students. What is sung in our anthem?
Students express their opinions. We summarize students' opinions.
Teacher: - My very smart and intelligent children, you have shown that you are not indifferent to the innovations in our country. Thank you for proving how much you love our country. Let's watch a video about our homeland (the song "Uzbekistan - My Homeland" will be performed).
Teacher:Love your homeland, kiss your soil,
Every age is sacred to us.
Even dry straw in the desert,
To our dear hearts.
  • Dear children, what kind of country is Uzbekistan?
Reader: - An independent state.
Teacher: When was our independence declared?
Reader: - The independence of Uzbekistan was declared on August 1991, 31.
Teacher: - Tell me, what has our state achieved in 26 years? (On the basis of slides, students ask and answer questions about state symbols, steps of independence, achievements in sports).  
4. Strengthening The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan expressed his wish "Let us have a free and prosperous Motherland for future generations" and wished you a happy and prosperous life.
Teacher: - Guys, did you like today's lesson? What else would you like to know in class? Then we will write your thoughts about the lesson and the video on the sails of our ship "PEACE".
5. The end of the lesson. Teacher: - Dear children, thank you all for helping us to make today's lesson interesting and informative. (Students who actively participate at the end of the class will be evaluated and rewarded on a rating basis.)         6. Homework. Preparing a creative work on state symbols

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