Lions about Teacher's Day on October 1st


Lions about Teacher's Day on October 1st


In your gray hair,
I have a share too.
You are always with me,
Good luck.

From the lessons you have taught,
I balance myself.
With the right idea,
I'm on the right track.

You are an example of a sun,
You are a teenager.
If you don't,
We will be free.

It lit up my life
Your great kindness.
Enough for everything
Your little mind.

We respect you
We love you.
If you are not us
From whom do we get knowledge?

I love you my teacher
You speak for yourself.
He was the only one in his life
A flower garden full of knowledge.


The author of the lion is Tursunov Azizbek.

October 1 Teachers and Coaches Day Lion

Who has not received your education,
You are the first light in the hearts.
Scientist, poet or artist,
The first time he looked at you as a teacher

In the pain of a single letter,
The man who eventually ascended to heaven.
How wonderful to make you happy,
He stood up and bowed.

The example of the great Alisherbek,
With how much pain you taught literacy.
Is it possible to repay this debt,
With a hundred ganj to be overtaken.

Learned a lot from teachers
We praise teachers a lot,
The value of comparison to the father.
Classmate, think about it
Shall we listen, Master's heart ?!
The teacher is as enlightened as the school
It is an inextinguishable lamp.
This gave the fire unceasing power
Undoubtedly, knowledge is a beacon.
O classmate, teachers though
Don't be upset.
If he only knew, he would think of you,
The right way - the way to knowledge.
Therefore - every second
You have to live knowingly.
Learned a lot from teachers
I wish you a happy future.

Dear teacher 

The white of your hair for years,
Or was the load of boron touched?
Light your heart in the way of goodness,
Are your eyes absorbed in the light?
Each of the disciples is your son or daughter,
Justify the bread you give.
Their achievement is your face
"Is that why there were tears?"

Master is as great as your father

The teacher is as great as your father, the teacher's step is blessed,
Every word of the Master is full of knowledge and wisdom,
The teacher's heart is clear, the teacher's space is bright,
The seed that the master throws away,
The step of the teacher is blessed, the teacher is as great as your father.

Timur bowed at the feet of his eternal teacher,
The Master is like the Sun, the Moon, of the universe,
The light of knowledge is where the oils step,
Roads to justice, fidelity, the palace of love,
The step of the teacher is blessed, the teacher is as great as your father.

Parents give birth to children,
The Master, on the other hand, baptizes with knowledge, wisdom, enlightenment,
Raises the children of the earth to heaven,
Parents turn the fan into a frog,
The step of the teacher is blessed, the teacher is as great as your father.

It is said that the oppression of a teacher is better than the love of a father.
The success of the disciples is the reward of the teacher,
Navoi is a perfect professional,
The key to happiness is, of course, knowledge and practice.
The step of the teacher is blessed, the teacher is as great as your father.

The habit of those who have not seen the Master is to walk,
May everyone's words, efforts, intentions,
Eat less, sleep less, sleep less - advice from teachers,
How great is the power of the word of the Master.
The step of the teacher is blessed, the teacher is as great as your father.

Salvation grows a flower in Avloni's garden,
Fees are taken, not given - in the lesson of Behbudi,
The image of Akilkhan is on the "Alphabet" page,
Teachers swear by writing,
The step of the teacher is blessed, the teacher is as great as your father.


I grabbed the pen again.
I started writing Lion.
According to the requirements.
I praised the teachers.

Today is a holiday in our nation.
Dear Teachers' Day.
Every educated person.
Appreciates the teacher.

Divide ex teachers there.
Always smile.
We young people are happy.
Always be alive.

Hammon will be remembered.
First grade textbooks.
Explaining the alphabet.
Lessons taught by the teacher.

You say Gox from life.
You learn from the book.
The man who took your lessons.
He is not afraid of trials.

The more praise, the less.
Because you have a bright world.
The man the teacher did not see.
This world does not recognize.

Unknowingly you.
We put a lot of pressure.
In the late region of Umir.
We cry sadly.

Right at some point.
You don't even look.
When you use a hand.
You don’t hit a bad split.

Whether male or female.
Probably a slice.
From the lesson they taught.
Realize your identity.

What do you call a teacher.
Or teacher, domlajon.
You are the life you are.
All of you are welcome.

A collection of poems for teachers

I know the value now,
That seductive of my distant school…
Navoi is our teacher, however
Someone taught Navoi too.
Who taught a letter to such a great person?
An ordinary teacher, but an ordinary teacher.
Humble as dust, restless souls,
But as glorious as a mountain on its wings,
But Temurdayin Sahibqironlar
As Pirim, etgain has kissed.
Who led Caesar to the battle?
An ordinary teacher, but an ordinary teacher.
The Beruni made buildings out of nothing,
Mashrap was made famous by the worlds,
Husayn - done by Ibn Sina,
Who taught the word of God?
An ordinary teacher, but an ordinary teacher.
But this life is full of thorns,
From the armpits he stumbled upon,
When he is crushed like a father,
From the achievements he rejoiced as a child,
Who is the student thinking in his sleep?…
An ordinary teacher, but an ordinary teacher.
Ulfat is a lot, but he is accompanied by a friend
"I can't find a milder one."
How many teachers have I seen, how many universities,
I could not find a scientist better than him.
I am a priceless spell in my childish heart
- An ordinary teacher, an ordinary teacher.
I will face if God wills
- A hundred years later, a believing friend
If my eyes are closed, if my jaw is tied,
The last time I rode,
I owe only one,
An ordinary teacher, an ordinary teacher!

You are the gardener of the science garden, the teacher, you are the friend of a million hearts, the teacher.
You have taught a great book of enlightenment, This book is a great sun that shines.
You are a treasure, a river of love in your heart, In which the light shines.
You taught friendship, courage, loyalty, You taught wisdom, understanding, ingenuity.
Sacrifice your whole life to the child, You always lead to the highest goal.
May happiness and prosperity always be with you, may our Motherland be full of glory

Who has not received your education,
You are the first light in the hearts.
Scientist, poet or artist,
The first time he looked at you as a teacher
In the pain of a single letter,
The man who eventually ascended to heaven.
How wonderful to make you happy,
He stood up and bowed.
The example of the great Alisherbek,
With how much pain you taught literacy.
Is it possible to repay this debt,
Can you beat me with a hundred ganj

Knowledge is a big river,
teacher, you - mirab,
The coach in the development of the nation is the sun.
Times change, centuries pass,
Alphabet book that does not change like the sun.
Ratings on my diary sheet,
Goho is great, goho is two punishments.
We found a way. It was ganj that you suffered
- Corrected mistakes in childhood.
I grabbed my notebook,
I looked back on my student days.
Forgive us how much fun we had,
I admire your patience.
My old teacher's hair is white,
Her eyes twinkle kindly though.
It still teaches knowledge and enlightenment,
Call to school of life.
If we don't read, re-taught, full,
There are a number of wrinkles on his forehead.
People because of those wrinkles
Eltar has paved the way for the future.



I grabbed the pen again.
I started writing Lion.
According to the requirements.
I praised the teachers.
Today is a holiday in our nation.
Dear Teachers' Day.
Every educated person.
Appreciates the teacher.
Divide ex teachers there.
Always smile.
We young people are happy.
Always be alive.
Hammon will be remembered.
First grade textbooks.
Explaining the alphabet.
Lessons taught by the teacher.
You say Gox from life.
You learn from the book.
The man who took your lessons.
He is not afraid of trials.
The more praise, the less.
Because you have a bright world.
The man the teacher did not see.
This world does not recognize.
Unknowingly you.
We put a lot of pressure.
In the late region of Umir.
We cry sadly.
Right at some point.
You don't even look.
When you use a hand.
You don’t hit a bad split.
Whether male or female.
Probably a slice.
From the lesson they taught.
Realize your identity.
What do you call a teacher.
Or teacher, domlajon.
You are the life you are.
All of you are welcome.


The root of great knowledge is embodied in you,
You give education from different fields.
When I listen to it, even a small body,
Grow up like a mature person, teacher.
Knowledge always shines in your heart,
As if he calls us like a light.
You are my bright star of the night,
Without a bright day, dear teacher.

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