If the foot hurts, look for the cause


The feet are one of the most important parts of the human locomotor system. The weight of our whole body falls on our feet. It is natural for the legs to ache due to severe fatigue. However, regular leg pain can be a sign of illness. Although the pain is in the leg, the main problem is likely to be in another limb.

Leg pain that results from fatigue will go away on its own over time. However, it is good to know about the pain caused by various diseases of the organs.
The pain in the leg due to varicose veins worsens by the end of the day. Special compression stockings should be worn to relieve pain. It not only prevents pain, but also slows the progression of the disease.
But keep in mind that the sooner the first symptoms appear, the faster and more effective the treatment. Dopplerography is used to check the condition of the veins. In the early stages of varicose veins, conservative treatment (injection sclerotherapy) is used.
Pain in the soles of the feet and legs in flat feet is annoying in the evening. When a person walks, he gets tired quickly. An orthopedist should be consulted to get rid of the problem. Wear physiologically comfortable and low-heeled shoes as much as possible. Exercise on a flat foot every day, use supinators prescribed by an orthopedist.
Acute leg pain in endarteritis begins with walking. Although the first 50-70 meters are easy to walk, the subsequent walking process is painful and numb. With a little rest, the pain goes away. Therefore, the patient has to rest. Even when lying down, pain in the soles of the feet and thighs can be bothersome. The pain is slightly reduced when the foot is hung down.
If the patient is a smoker, he should completely stop smoking. Because nicotine is one of the main causes of vascular ischemia. Today, MRI, angiography, vascular ultrasound, and various blood tests are used to diagnose the disease.
It is better to call an ambulance in case of sudden severe pain. This may be a sign that a large artery is blocked. This leaves the patient with only a few hours to recover. The disease is treated surgically and vascular plastic surgery is performed.
In atherosclerosis of the arteries, the pain and strain that compress the legs is exacerbated when walking, running, or climbing stairs. Pain can also be bothersome at night. The soles of the feet are cold in both winter and summer. There is no clear pulse in the big toe. Men often lose hair on their fingers and have sexual problems. The patient should definitely consult a specialist doctor and quit smoking. Ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging and angiography are used to diagnose the disease.
Lumbar osteochondrosis begins with stabbing pain in the legs that can be bothersome even at rest. Pain increases with sharp movements and strain. The pain does not go away at rest. If the back and sides of the leg from the palm to the buttocks are also sore, this is an indication of sciatica.
The patient should consult a neurologist or vertebrologist. Compressed intervertebral disc herniation can be detected using MRI.
In thrombophlebitis, there is a throbbing pain in the leg muscles, often followed by irritability. The foot becomes red, swollen, and there are painful swellings along the veins. When in doubt, seek medical advice immediately. Angioscanning is used to examine the deep and superficial veins of the leg. The patient's blood is tested for nonspecific inflammatory factors.
In most cases, outpatient treatment is possible under the supervision of a physician. If there is no risk of rupture of the thrombus, drugs that reduce blood clotting and strengthen the walls of blood vessels are used. Sometimes surgery is performed and a special cava-filter is installed in the inferior vena cava to trap blood clots.
Saramas (roja) causes severe pain in the legs, redness of the skin, fever and chills, even at rest. Because Saramas is an infectious disease, she is being treated by an infectious disease doctor. The patient is given antibiotics. Mild forms are treated in an outpatient setting, moderate and severe forms in an inpatient setting. Physiotherapy (UFO, high-frequency electric current - UVC, magnetic, laser) is used during treatment.
Osteoarthritis or arthritis is characterized by sharp pain in the joints when the patient is walking or standing for a long time. The joints change shape and begin to shrink. The pain increases as the weather changes. The joint area becomes swollen, red, and hot.
The patient should be examined by a rheumatologist, and an X-ray of both joints and a general blood test should be performed. If the doctor has any doubts during the diagnosis, he will use arthroscopy. Treatment is carried out in a complex way: the patient is prescribed special orthopedic devices, physiotherapy, diet, therapeutic exercise, as well as medications.
Diabetes mellitus is characterized by leg cramps (especially at night), swelling, and pain. The skin of the calves becomes dry, peeling and itchy. The feet are often numb, like an ant crawling on the skin. When the disease is suspected, a blood sugar test should be performed. The disease is treated by an endocrinologist. The patient should follow a mandatory diet. In type XNUMX diabetes, the patient receives insulin injections, and in type XNUMX diabetes, sugar-lowering drugs.
Osteoporosis is caused by varicose veins and severe pain in the calf area. The problem is more specific to women over the age of 40. When the disease is suspected, densitometry is a painless way to check the density of bone tissue. If bone loss is found, your doctor may prescribe calcium supplements.
Gout is characterized by sharp, pulsating pain in the big toe. The finger becomes red, swollen, hot and very sensitive. The patient should see a rheumatologist and have a blood test done intravenously. Gout is treated with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and uric acid.
In the early stages of the disease, the diet alone is sufficient: no alcohol, meat and fish, long-boiled broths, spicy snacks, mushrooms, legumes, tomatoes, spinach, coffee, cocoa, chocolate.
Unexpected sharp pain in the heel when walking or running. The patient must first get rid of excess weight. An orthopedic examination and X-ray examination should be performed. Treatment includes anti-inflammatory drugs, special massage, laser therapy, orthopedic insoles and insoles. In severe cases, surgery may be necessary. Swimming and cycling are useful.
Myalgia begins with pain in the thigh muscles and is exacerbated by physical exertion, humid or cold weather. The patient should be examined by a neurologist. Anti-inflammatory drugs, painkillers and gels are used to treat the disease.
rheumatologist, doctor of medical sciences, professor.

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