Medicinal tinctures - both in place of drinking and healing


Medicinal plants are very common all over the world. It can be said that almost every plant has its own medicinal properties. You just have to be more discriminating with the help you render toward other people. Experts recommend several teas that can be drunk at home, the use of which in moderation plays an important role in strengthening the health of family members. For example, we all know pepper, there are many who like this fragrant spice. Pepper can be consumed not only as an additional flavor in cooking, but also as a medicinal drink, adding it to ordinary green tea. Such tea is a cure for dry cough caused by influenza and ARVI (acute respiratory viral infection). It also has the property of making the patient sweat. Pepper even cuts the venom of a snake, blackbird or scorpion. In folk medicine, a person bitten by these pests is repeatedly given pepper tea, and this method has improved his condition. In addition, such tea has a positive effect on the activity of the stomach and liver.
We have learned to use pepper as a substitute for just one ornamental or fragrant substance. In folk medicine, patients with weakened stomach and indigestion are advised to drink tea infused with pepper.
Sedana is also a product that can always be found in our country. It is useful in colds. When drunk with honey and hot water, it lowers kidney and bladder stones. According to experts, 20-25 sedans and a teaspoon of black or green tea and tea infused with honey are extremely beneficial to the body.
It has long been known that tea infused with basil helps in driving bile in influenza and ARVI, relieves blockages in the arteries. Everyone knows that kiosk tea is a means of lowering blood pressure. This medicinal cocaine can be easily replaced by cumin. Zirali tea is given to a patient with high blood pressure to moderate the pressure norm. Only such tea should be rested for 5-6 minutes and drunk frequently in the heat.
It is useful to know the properties of these products, however, be sure to consult a doctor before using them, so that everyone has information about their health.

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