Muhammad Ali Khan


Muhammad Ali Khan

(about 1803/ 06-1842, Kokan)

Khan of Kokan from the Ming Dynasty. Son of Omar Khan and Nadira. After the death of his father Omar Khan, he ascended the throne at the age of 17. During his reign, he tried to expand the territory of the khanate. The Tajiks were subdued at the foot of the South Olay mountain. Karategin was completely conquered only in the name of Darvaz, Shugnon, Roshan, Vohon. In 1829, he marched to Kashgar. The Muslims of Kashgar, who took advantage of his action, rose up against the Chinese. 70 of the defeated Uyghurs returned with Muhammad Ali Khan and were settled in the cities of the Kokan Khanate (including Tashkent). As a result of his repeated attacks on Kashgar, Muhammad Ali Khan received the right to collect taxes from the cities of Eastern Turkestan. Irrigation works were established during the reign of Muhammad Ali Khan. Khanariq was excavated near Tashkent. The governor of Tashkent became a close adviser of Lashkar Qushbegi Muhammad Alikhan. Trade and diplomatic relations with Russia are well established. In 1828, ambassadors from Kokan went to St. Petersburg and were well received. In 1830, Russian ambassador Khorunji Potanin came to Kokan.
During the reign of Muhammad Ali Khan, the relations between Kokand and Bukhara deteriorate sharply. As a result of the wars between them, the emir of Bukhara, Nasrullah Khan, defeated the army of Kokan. Muhammad Ali Khan declares himself to be the deputy of the unwilling emir. Two years later, in October 1841, a popular uprising against the Khan's tyranny broke out in Kokonda.
Muhammad Ali Khan was addicted to alcoholism and immorality. Deterioration of relations between Bukhara and Kokan and frequent military conflicts led to the fact that Muhammad Ali Khan abdicated in November 1841 in favor of his brother Sultan Mahmud. He conquered Kokan and executed Muhammad Ali Khan, his brother Sultan Mahmud Khan, and his mother Nadirabegim.
Muhammad Alikhan wrote ghazals, according to his order, calligraphers copied the works of Alisher Navoi with miniatures, many historical works were translated from Persian and Arabic into Uzbek. During the time of Muhammad Ali Khan, schools and madrasas were built (for example, the madrasa of Madalikhan), and the old Horde of Kokan was repaired.

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