November 19 is Geographic Data System Day


At the initiative of a number of major American companies and organizations (National Geographic Community, USGS, Sun Microsystems, Hewlett-Packard, ESRI), it was decided to celebrate Geographic Data System Day every year. The holiday is celebrated on Wednesday in the middle of the week. On the day of the holiday there will be various events - exhibitions, seminars, open days. Students, schoolchildren, and anyone who wants to attend the event can get acquainted with the achievements in the field of geographical data. GMS is becoming increasingly popular and has spread beyond the American border to other countries. 65 organizations from 700 countries will take part in the events dedicated to GMS Day. Russian organizations are not actively involved in this campaign, but in recent years, significant progress has been made in the field of cartography and geodesy. In Russia, a national holiday is the Day of Geodesy and Cartography Workers, and this holiday is celebrated annually on the second Sunday in March.

November 19 is the day Puerto Rico was discovered by H. Columbus
The official name is the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. The administrative center is San Juan. Area - 9100 km.kv. The official languages ​​are Spanish and English. The majority of worshipers believe in the Catholic (85%) and Protestant (10%) denominations of Christianity, as well as voodoo. The currency is the US dollar.
The country is located in the archipelago of Puarto - Rico, Viekas, Colebra, Mona and other Greater Antilles, between North and South America. It is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean to the north and the Caribbean Sea to the south. The islands are mountainous, with earthquakes. Climate-tropical, passatic. There are mixed forests in the north of the island and forests in the south. The fauna consists only of bats, reptiles and mollusks.
The state structure is a state "freely joined" by the United States. Administratively, it is divided into 78 municipal districts. The highest legislative power belongs to the U.S. Congress. Puerto Ricans are officially U.S. citizens. Political parties: New Progressive Party, Communist Party, Puerto Rican Independence Party.
The basis of the economy is the processing industry. There are light, food and oil refineries. Mechanical engineering, agriculture, animal husbandry, tourism are developed.
Discovered on November 1493, 19 by H. Columbus and declared a Spanish possession. Juan Pons de Lane, proclaimed governor of the island by Columbus in 1508, founded the first city. As a result of the Spanish-American War of 1898, Puerto Rico became the property of the United States. In 1917, the islanders became U.S. citizens. Since 1952, Puerto Rico has been a "free-joining" state with the right to self-government.

November 19 is Glass Manufacturers Day
November 19, the national holiday of glass workers, has been celebrated in Russia since 2000. This day coincides with the birthday of the great Russian scientist MVLomonosov. MVLomonosov is a scientist who started the chemical production of glaze, glass and porcelain. He developed the technology and recipe for obtaining colored glass-smalt, porcelain composition, used in the production of mosaic paintings. The role of glass in human life and activity is incomparable, no industry can be imagined without glass today. During the excavation of the Egyptian cities, samples of products made of ancient glass were found.

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