Preparation and sale of powder in the markets (1)


Preparation and sale of powder in the markets (1)

- This business is very developed in the markets, especially in the Fergana region. Most importantly, easy and convenient, lucrative business.

• Dough - 25 kg - 115 soums.
• Pepper, spices, salt - from 1 pack - 5 soums.
• Potatoes - 10 kg
• Other expenses - 1 soums.
• Salad oil - 150 soums.
• Special cooking pot - around 300 - 000 soums.

#No income
- For one simple cake - dough and internal expenses 300 soums, potatoes 500 soums, other expenses 200 soums. So, if it costs 1000 soums, you can sell it for 1500 soums, and 25 kg of dough will cost an average of 400 soums. This means a net profit of at least 200 soums per day.

Ps: The most important thing is a stable and reliable business, you can expand the line over time, hire workers and bake and sell other types of products.

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