Sample attestation questions for pedagogical staff. 2-variant


1. When was the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Education" adopted?

August 1997, 29

2. Which of the components of the national model of training is the main customer that determines the demand for personnel?


3. When was the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan adopted?

December 1992, 8

4. When was the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the state language" adopted?

October 1989, 21

5. What is the role of youth education in the wisdom of hadith?

Much attention is paid to the education of young people

6. Why is it better to organize preschool education on the basis of games?

Play is the main activity of preschool children

7. According to A. Avloni, what is morality?

It is one of the moral categories, which calls people to good and turns away from evil

8. Find the line with the correct definition of the following tariff: "Pedagogy - a science based on the actions, desires and needs of the person as a goal"

General pedagogy

9. Abu Nasr al-Farabi admits that the national character of education depends on what?

National characteristics

10. What issues require a comprehensive study of the world historical pedagogical process and its current stage?

Global issues

11. What is the role of pedagogy as a science?


12. What is the meaning of the term pedagogy?

Derived from the Greek word "paydogogos", which means "child-bearing".

13. What is education?

It is a process conducted under the guidance of specially trained people, which equips students with knowledge, skills and abilities, develops cognitive abilities, and shapes the worldview.

14. What is discipline?

The process of purposeful influence on the psyche of the educator in order to instill in the mind of the educator the desired qualities.

15. Basic pedagogical concepts?

development, education, training, upbringing

* 16. What does it mean to shape a person?

Environmental hereditary traits are said to be the result of a person's development under the influence of upbringing.

17. What is sensory training?

The system of pedagogical influence aimed at the formation of sensory cognition and the improvement of intuition and perception

18. Find the line that correctly shows the period of childhood and adolescence?

1 to 3 years of age

19. Who has the right to engage in pedagogical activities?

Persons who have mastered the theory, content and methods of special training, pedagogical education, ideological, scientific training

20. What does didactics mean?

Didactics means educational theory.

21. Which line correctly describes the methodological basis of the educational process?

cognitive theory

22. What needs are taken into account in determining the content of education?

The content of education depends on its purpose.

23. In which line are the documents reflecting the content of education correctly indicated?

Curriculum, syllabus, textbook

24. What is the task of national pedagogy?

Correct solution of both theoretical and practical problems of education on the basis of national values ​​in accordance with the wishes of different nationalities and peoples living in our country

25. The national anthem is derived from the Greek word "hummos" - anthem, which means:

"A Song of the Ascents."

26. Why it is necessary to know and take into account the changes in the development of the child, the characteristics of the age.

To determine if children are developing.

27. What age is preschool age?

1 to 7 years of age

28. At what age are children considered teenagers?

12 to 15-16 years old

29. In what period the sphere of imagination and thinking is almost over and is directed to some sphere of social life?

in adolescence

30. What is the main type of adolescent activity?

study and work

31. To whom does the phrase "The educator must know how to organize, how to work, how to joke, how to be cheerful, how to be angry, how to behave in such a way that every action of his educator"?


32. What were the conditions that led to the emergence of education in primitive society?

The labor activity of primitive people and the social relations it contains

33. Which of the following methods should a teacher follow? 1-prepared questions should be relevant to everyone; 2 one student is called to answer; 3. The student answering is equated, supplemented, corrected and clarified by others; Interpretation and evaluation of 4 answers by the teacher.

In conversation mode

34. The purpose of which education is to prepare children for mental and physical labor, defense of the Motherland with a healthy growth?


35. Who wrote the largest work on legal education "Al-Hidayat"?


* 36. Skills such as thrift, diligence, initiative, entrepreneurship are developed in which education?


37. What upbringing teaches children to perceive beauty in nature and society in an ideal way?


38. What is the rule of thorough and solid acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities in education?

This rule implies the ability to apply didactic requirements and norms in a systematic, conscious, mastered scientific knowledge in practice.

39. In what order are the rules of teaching and upbringing of children recommended in "Avesto"?

Religious and moral education, physical education, teaching reading and writing

40. In how many chapters and articles of the Constitution is the phrase "Everyone has the right to education" written?

Chapter IX, Article 41.

41. Who is the author of the largest work on legal education "Al-Hidoya"?


* 42. What is Article 41 of our Constitution?

About the right to education.

43. The spiritual and moral foundations of the development of independent Uzbekistan are reflected in which work of President IAKarimov?

There is no future without historical memory

44. In which work of President IAKarimov pays special attention to the issue of correct and reasonable study of the history of Uzbekistan?

"There is no future without historical memory"

45. What do you mean by commitment to universal values?

The care of our people for justice, equality, good neighborliness and humanity

46. ​​What shows a person's ability to freely express their abilities?

When a person is personally ready to work for the happiness of himself and his family

47. What is the patriotism of a citizen of Uzbekistan?

He is proud of his land, nature, history, culture and traditions of the region and protects them

48. In which line are the elements of self-education correctly indicated?

Teaches to think about one's personality, qualities, actions in the analysis

49. What did Abu Ali ibn Sina say about raising a child?

Upbringing should begin in the mother's womb.

50. What works did Yusuf Khasib write about upbringing?

"Kutadg'u bilig"

51. What is the idea of ​​the work "Kutadgu bilig"?

From education

52. “We are facing an urgent problem, such as modern education of educators, raising their knowledge and skills.” In which play are these thoughts of President IA Karimov reflected?

"Harmoniously developed generation is the basis of development of Uzbekistan."

* 53. Information on which article of the Law on Education states that "persons with professional training and high moral qualities have the right to engage in pedagogy"?

Article 5

* 54. What is the activity of school teachers?

It is aimed at shaping the human form.

55. In which method of management of pedagogical dialogue student initiative is not widely allowed?

Authoritarian style

56. What do you mean by pedagogical skills?

A skillful approach to the upbringing of the student's personality, a true scientificity of intellect and knowledge, wisdom and creative courage, scientific analysis, the ability of imagination and fantasy

57. What is the meaning of rhetoric derived from Latin?

The art of beautiful speech

58. In which education do students develop such skills as thrift, diligence, initiative, entrepreneurship, economic calculations and thinking about them?


59. With the help of which upbringing do children learn to perceive beauty in nature and society in an ideal way?


60. Find a management style that tries not to interfere in team activities?

In a liberal style

61. What is the nature of education in primitive society?

Upbringing was everyone's business

62. What is the consumer of educational services?


63. What is the communicative ability of a teacher?

Ability to communicate properly

64. In which method of management of pedagogical dialogue the initiative of students is not allowed?

Authoritarian style

65. What is the category of a teacher who loves his profession, is strong-willed, able to withstand difficulties, has the ability to work with students?

Dedicated teacher

66. What does it mean to recognize the human person as the highest social value in upbringing?

Humanization of education

67. In what way of managing pedagogical dialogue the teacher tries not to interfere in group activity?

In a liberal style

68. Which of the following answers gives the correct definition of the subject of pedagogy?

Education is a science that discusses the theoretical and practical foundations of education and the nature and principles of teaching and educating the younger generation.

69. What is talent? Which line contains the correct answer?

To a higher stage of skill development

70. What are the skills related to the relevant fields of science?

Ability to know

71. What is the ability to influence through communication?

Communicative ability

72. How many types of knowledge testing are there?

3 ta

73. ​​What shows a person's ability to freely express their abilities?

When a person is personally ready to work for the happiness of himself and his family.

* 74. How should an educator involve shy children in lessons?

measures must be devised

75. Indicate the correct line according to the classification of pedagogical technologies: general pedagogical technology, special subject, local pedagogical technology. made?

Resolution of the Board of the Ministry of Public Education of Uzbekistan dated December 1998, 19

* 76. What is the main requirement of the state educational standard?

is to cultivate a creative thinker

77. What is the basis of new pedagogical technologies?

State educational standards

78. What is the ability to directly influence the emotional will of students?

Ability to gain prestige.

79. In which method of management of pedagogical communication the teacher is not active, quality is low?

Liberal style

80. What is the purpose of education for the healthy growth of children, their mental and physical labor, the defense of the Motherland?

Physical training

81. Which of the following is the correct answer to the question of a person's sharp mind, pure thinking, pure day, nobility, courage?


82. Information about the way of life, education of the Turkic peoples has reached us through whose works and monuments?

M.Kashgari "Devonu lug'at-it turk"

83. Which answer shows the qualities that enhance human qualities?

Accuracy, gentleness, compassion

84. What is the meaning of the word democracy?

People's power

85. Make knowledge great, study great. These two great men are complete. What is the following wisdom written about?


86. Shall we say faith or conscience, May God be in the heart of every man Who is the author of this sentence?

T. Sodikova

87. What is the meaning of the word thinker?

Thinking, discussing, observing, thinking

88. Any knowledge that is not weighed on the scales of the mind cannot be true, so it is not true knowledge. To whom does this idea belong?

Abu Ali Ibn Sina

89. What is the light of science and culture?


90. No one can teach him life, no teacher can teach him.


91. Who is the author of the idea that science is the fatigue, life, leader, salvation of people?

Abdulla Avloni

92. What is the most unique thing in the world?

She is kind

93. Where did Muslims first get their culture and education?

From Madinah

94. The best time to study is adolescence. It's early in the morning and it's getting dark. Who is the author of these lines?


95. What did G. Spencer say about the purpose of education?

It is about cultivating character

96. Alisher Navoi says: “One of the greatest virtues in a person is to do good and good behavior, the second is honesty, and the third is …………. When these three qualities are combined, he becomes a perfect human being. ”What is the third?


97. What does Senquin mean?

means "five-lined lion" in French

98. What does the Avesta call the image of good and evil?

Ahuramazda, Ahramaniyu

99. In which work is Abu Ali ibn Sina's views on family upbringing reflected?

"The event is meaningful"

* 100. What is mental maturity?

It is a set of quantitative and qualitative changes that occur in the mental activity of the child under the influence of educational work in connection with the growth of age and the enrichment of experience.

101. What is the name of the child born?


102. What is the type of upbringing in which the beauty of the environment around the kindergarten affects the overall development of children?

Aesthetic education

103. Which branch of correctional pedagogy (defectology) is engaged in the study, prevention and correction of speech disorders?

Speech therapy

. 104. What is a motive?

Motivation to motivate a person to do something

105. In his speech at the IX session of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, IAKarimov focused on what aspects of education?

He spoke about the restoration and further development of our great spirituality

* 106. What is the name of IAKarimov's work, which highlights the importance of our past history and heritage?

"There is no future without historical memory"

107. What are the main categories of pedagogy?

Education, upbringing, information, development

108. What is the role of information technology in the technology of education? It is possible to control and become a close assistant to the teacher and partially assume its functions. What are the main categories of didactics?

Knowledge, skills, abilities, education, educational process, method;

109. What is didactics?

The field of pedagogy, which scientifically substantiates the content, methods and organizational forms of education;

110. What are the features of the educational process?

A process of goal-oriented, multifaceted, long-term, integrated system, two-way communication, confrontation.

111. Equipping students with a system of knowledge on the basics of science is carried out on the basis of which direction of social education?

Mental education

112. What is the essence of this idea: «… are the methods of special examination and knowledge of the inner essence, communication and laws of the pedagogical process, aimed at educating the person, giving him deep, thorough scientific knowledge in certain areas, based on which to help solve the problem positively Principles, object and subjective factors of the provider are defined »?

Pedagogical research methods;

113. According to the National Program of Personnel Training of the Republic of Uzbekistan, a new type of secondary special education will be introduced, which will ensure the rapid intellectual development of students, in-depth, specialized training, taking into account their interests and abilities. Specify the educational institution?

Academic lyceum

114. What is the function of out-of-school education?

to meet the growing needs of children and adolescents in education, individual, cultural, aesthetic, scientific, technical, sports and other areas, the organization of their leisure and recreation;

115. In what year was the "Regulations on preschool education" of the Republic of Uzbekistan adopted?


116. What are the pedagogical functions of preschool educational institutions?

Educators control the level of training plans, training.

117. They said to the poet, "You are a happy man. Your people know everyone." The poet replied, "I have a wish. I wish they would call me a teacher." Who wrote this poem?

Abdulla Oripov

118. What does the word "system" mean?

A whole thing or event made up of parts, joined together

119. What state document is made on the basis of the curriculum?


120. What is the name of the state publication, which is defined on the basis of SST, curriculum, methodology and didactic requirements, embodies the ideas of national independence, fully covers the topics of a particular subject, aimed at mastering the basics of the subject?


121. What order No. 1999 of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education was issued on 28 September 288?

On providing the system of continuing education with textbooks

122. What kind of literature, which partially complements the textbook, is based on a specific science program, the topics of which are widely covered?


123. What is the scientific nature of education, awareness and active participation in education, demonstration of the educational process?

Principles of education

124. Who substantiated the system as a didactic category?

Ya. A. Komensky

125. When did the concept of "technology" enter science and what does it mean?

Entered in 1872, meaning "craft science."

126. What is the rule of thorough and solid acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities in education?

this rule implies the ability to apply didactic requirements and norms in a systematic, conscious, integrated scientific knowledge in practice

127. What is the source of the study of our ancient spiritual culture, in particular, the system of child rearing?


128. A set of knowledge and information accumulated on the basis of experience created by the masses and used in the implementation of educational work, which represents the unity of methods, tools, skills and abilities in the implementation of educational work?

Folk pedagogy

129. In what historical period was the system of Muslim schools in Central Asia?

XIII-XII centuries

130. What influenced the creation of the first Arabic schools?

Distribution of the Holy Quran

131. What were the conditions that led to the emergence of education in primitive society?

The labor activity of primitive people and the social relations it contains

132. "The essence of bravery is three things: one is great, if you do what you say: the second is great, if you do not contradict the truth: the third is great, if you put forward the good, all the other qualities in Adam are under these three." Who is the author of this idea?


133. “Not educating the gifted is oppression, and educating the incompetent is a sin. Do not destroy it without educating it, do not destroy it without educating it. ”Who is the author of the above idea and from which work is it taken?

From the work of Mahmud Kashgari "Qutadgu Bilig"

134. What is the first taste-moral work created in the Turkish language?

Kutadgu Bilig

135. How many centuries is the golden age in the creation of the science of hadith?

IX-XIII centuries

136. Which work of Abu Rayhan Beruni is dedicated to pedagogy?

Pedagogical ideas are presented in all his works

137. “The goal is not to prolong the sentence, but not to bore the reader, because constantly looking at something leads to impatience. It is as if a student walks in different gardens as he moves from science to science. ”From whose work is this passage taken?

From Beruni's "Monuments of Ancient Peoples"

138. Which of the thinkers as a team scientifically substantiated the importance of teaching in school?

Abu Ali ibn Sina

139. In which work Ibn Sina promotes the idea of ​​teaching in school, the organization of educational work as a team?

In "The event is meaningful"

140. “Education is only through words and learning. And upbringing is the study of practical work, experience, that is, the devotion of the people to action, to the profession. From which work of which thinker is this idea derived?

From the wisdom of Farobi.

141. "I have appointed scholars and teachers in every city to teach Muslims religious matters and to teach them the Shari'ah and the tenets of Islam: image, hadith, and fiqh." In whose work is this idea expressed?

In Amir Temur's "Fertilizers"

142. What is a lesson?

Classes with students of the same age, under the guidance of a teacher, at a specific time with a specific purpose.

143. Which exhibition includes a film, slide show using technical means?


144. What are the requirements for the lesson?

Educational, didactic, organizational

145. In what period the self-esteem increases?

During adolescence

146. The word "tact" - the concept of:

Conflict is a moral category that regulates human relationships

147. What is the concept of the word "intonation"?

High and low volume

148. What is the correctness and accuracy of pronunciation of words and syllables?


149. What professions should strictly adhere to ethical norms?

Professionals whose object of work is a human being

150. What are the high moral and ethical qualities of the teaching profession?

Because he is fit to work in the pedagogical profession

151. What is pontomimics?

Body, arm, leg movements.

152. Where there is learning, there is greatness. Whoever has knowledge, he gets ignorance.

Yusuf Khos Khojib

153. What is the category of a talented, skilled, knowledgeable teacher who loves his profession and makes a significant contribution to the development of science?

Creative teacher

154. What is the line that is an integral part of pedagogical techniques?

155. What kind of kindness is kindness to people?


156. What type of ability is the ability to correctly assess a person's inner life, to sympathize with him, to be sympathetic?

Template ability

157. What is communication etiquette?

The beauty and gentleness of people's relationships with each other

158. What is the interactive method?

Mutual cooperation

159. How does an ability appear?

Appears and develops in the process of pedagogical activity

160. Pedagogical labor subjects?


161. How is the word "etiquette" defined?

It is the ability of each person to behave in communication and walking with an individual or a group

162. What constitutes the tone of speech?

Pause, tempo, and pleasantness of speech

* 163. What are the pedagogical functions of preschool educational institutions?

Educators control the level of training plans, training

164. What is the mode of life of children in a preschool institution?

Different types of activities such as walking, sleeping, eating

165. What is the period of infancy and childhood?

One to three years old

166. At what age the growth rate of the body of a preschool child slows down?

3 to 5 years of age

167. At what age are children considered teenagers?

12 to 15-16 years old.

168. At what age children acquire almost all aspects of the native language?

7 years old

169. How do small school-age students grow physically, what is their average height and weight?

grows straight, height 120 cm, weight 25 kg

170. What is the name of adolescence?


171. At what period in children begin to appear puberty, masculinity and intelligence?

in adolescence

172. What is the main type of adolescent activity?

Study and work

173. At what age are the moral qualities of a preschool child formed?

3-4 years old

174. How should an educator involve shy children in lessons?

measures must be devised.

175. What is the reason for the whimsy of a preschool child, his absence from school?

from illness

176. What is the type of upbringing in which the beauty of the environment around the kindergarten affects the full development of children?

Aesthetic education

177. What is a game?

The main activity of children of preschool age

178. What classes are held in a preschool institution in the first half of the day?

basic lessons

179. What does "syncvein" mean?

means "5 lines of poetry" in French

180. What is the pedagogical system?

Objects and subjects of pedagogical process, forms - methods, relations between them, interactions and their management

181. What are the components of distance learning?


182. Advantages of distance learning?

The duration of training is determined by the student, there are conditions for the transmission and reception of large amounts of information in a short time.

183. What is the general culture of the teacher?

Knowledge, confidence, ability and behavior

184. Identify the most necessary speech culture for the educator?

Grammatical correctness of speech, its lexical richness, clear and concise expression

185. What are the stages of higher education?


186. Specify the monologue method?

Lecture, story, demonstration

187. Pay special attention to the process of cognition and show the aspirations of people to knowledge in the work of a scientist?

On Farobi's "Happiness"

188. Which quality is of special importance in the analysis of the characteristics of adolescence?


189. What is the highest form of a developed mind?

Creative thinking

190. What is the technology of problem reading?

Advanced teaching technology

191. Components of the pedagogical system

Student, purpose, content, didactic process, organizational forms, teacher

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