Supplementary food for a child 7-9 months


Supplementary food for a child 7-9 months

What products are useful and possible to give during this period?

🍆 Zucchini
🥔Mashed potatoes
🍚 Kasha

What can be given in appearance?

Most seven- to nine-month-olds will have only their front teeth out. Therefore, the food should be in the form of puree. Hard biscuits can be handed out when the teeth come out. Most people can hold a bottle and drink tea.

Examples of foods for a seven- to nine-month-old:

We cook potatoes and carrots in boiling water (if you can, you can cook them in a saucepan, the vitamins will be preserved more). After cooking, mash well. No need to add salt. The later you start giving salt and sugar, the more benefits it will have for your child’s health. Instead of potatoes or carrots, you can add zucchini or squash.
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