Give extra food to children aged 6-9 months


Give extra food to children aged 6-9 months

The first supplement should be given in the first half of the day, when the child is not irritable and ill.

Supplementary feeding schedule

📌Periodicity: 6-9 months, additional food is given 2 times a day.
📌Dosage: 2-3 tablespoons of food each time, doubled in 7-10 days.
📌Colds: If the food is thick, it will be convenient for the child to eat. By the age of 8 months, the child can be given food that can be eaten with his hands.
📌Variety: porridge (rice or buckwheat), vegetable puree (potatoes, carrots, kobachki), fruits (apples, bananas).

Necessary recommendations
▪️Be patient! It takes time for a child to learn.
▪️Feed as an incentive and a “game”.
▪️Do not force the child to eat.
▪️Use a separate container. To know how much he ate.

© Doctor Mukhtorov

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