Dress styles - a catalog of modern national costumes


The traditional Uzbek dress has a wide style, with coquets, sewn sleeves and sometimes a raised collar. It is noteworthy that such styles, although traditional, have not lost their nationality even today. It’s also nice to wear them to holiday celebrations.

In addition to the national dress-pants, you can choose a hat that fits - a scarf or scarf. Since the article is about styles, you can find non-standard dresses in it. It would be expedient to copy from their sewing and adapt it to our nationality. Below are photos of fashion shows held at different times and places, dress styles from everyday life.

First, the dresses presented at fashion shows and photo shoots are presented. Some of them are simple and some have a non-standard style. Again, they can be used as a template, to sample specific details. If you are interested in the styles you encounter in everyday life, you can confidently move on to the next title.

In the picture below, although the shirt is not national, in the picture on the left you can take the style of the shirt and sew the shirt to resemble an adras or similar fabric.
The following dresses have been posted on the internet by various users and the quality of the pictures may not be high, but their style can be copied ready-made.

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