The Constitution is the encyclopedia of our happiness


Our main law is the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan
As an important political and legal document, it was a unique testament to the birth of a new, sovereign, promising state in the world.
Man cannot organize his life without paying attention to existence, its laws. Therefore, in self-discovery, in study, he strives to know more broadly its features, its norms.
The term constitution in ancient times meant a political system. The Constitution is the main symbol of the rule of law. It will reflect the socio-political nature of society, the main criteria of development, the main directions of domestic and foreign policy of the country.
The Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan is the first Constitution of an independent state. At the second session of the Supreme Soviet of the Republic of Uzbekistan on June 1990, 20, the Declaration of Independence was adopted. The declaration declared the state independence of Uzbekistan. On August 1991, 31, the Law on the Foundations of State Independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan was adopted. The Declaration of Independence and the Declaration served as the basis for this. This law consists of 17 articles. This document created the legal basis for the first steps taken by Uzbekistan as an independent state. By its very nature, it can be described as the Provisional Minor Constitution. One of the achievements of this law is the introduction of citizenship of the Republic of Uzbekistan for the first time. It states that all citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan, regardless of nationality, have the same civil rights and are protected by the Constitution and laws of the Republic.
At the 12th and 11th sessions of the Supreme Soviet of the Republic of Uzbekistan (December 1992, 8), a legal and important document - the Constitution of Independence was adopted. It has laid a solid territorial foundation for profound reforms in the economy, socio-political relations and spiritual life.
First of all, the Constitution reflects the historical traditions and territorial thinking of the Uzbek nation.
The Constitution of independent Uzbekistan fully reflects the achievements of the world community in the field of human rights. This Constitution contains all the important provisions in the field of human rights: the right to life, liberty and security of person, the right to property and other similar rights.
Our Constitution is not only a legal document, but also serves the universal ideas that form the socio-political, spiritual basis of our national ideology.
The constitution is the supreme legal document that defines and regulates the important directions of development of the state and society and their structures.
The Constitution of independent Uzbekistan embodies the universal, universal values ​​tested in history and is based on the historical experience of developed countries.
The Constitution of Uzbekistan has been recognized by the world's leading political scientists as a perfect document that fully meets international standards.
Our Constitution, which guarantees the interests of the people, is radically different from the constitutions of other newly independent states and is highly regarded not only for the transition period, but also as a guiding document that defines all areas of state and society.
The importance of the Constitution in the development of our prosperous life, in the destiny of our Motherland and our people is growing.
It is important not only to describe our Constitution, but also to know and appreciate it as the encyclopedia of our life on the basis of item-by-item implementation of the rules.
Our Constitution embodies the aspirations of our people to build a democratic state based on the rule of law, a just civil society, a free and prosperous life. It sets out the foundations of peace, tranquility and harmony, which are the key to our lives. The rights and duties of citizens are harmonized. Most importantly, human rights, human freedom are firmly sealed.
As the highest value in our Constitution, the main focus is not on the state and social system, but on human interests. Its 13 articles state that democracy in the Republic of Uzbekistan is based on universal principles, according to which a person, his life, freedom, honor, dignity and other inalienable rights are of the highest value.
In addition, the rights and freedoms of man and citizen are not only proclaimed, but also the protection of democratic rights and freedoms by the Constitution and laws.
The Basic Law contains 34 articles that directly disclose the content of human and civil rights and freedoms. From its preface to its concluding rules, ideas of caring for the person, for his or her well-being, are embedded. The activity of any state body, any official is subordinated to the interests of the people.
During the years of independence, we have clearly imagined the importance of the Constitution of our people and our state, and first of all we have realized what we have given up and what we have achieved. It should be noted that the shield that protects it is the main legal basis of our society. Most importantly, thanks to the Constitution, the Republic of Uzbekistan as a new democratic state has taken a worthy place on the world political map.
Describing the essence of the constitution, President Islam Karimov said: “In the developed democracies of the world, no citizen, no person can imagine his social and private life without the constitution to protect his legitimate interests. can't. "
Over the past period, our Constitution has undergone serious life tests. On the basis of this important document, our people have made unparalleled changes in their lives that could have taken place over the centuries. Our country has got rid of the deep economic recession inherited from the Soviet era, and due to the ongoing large-scale economic reforms, a market-based economy is gaining ground. The national state and legal system based on the principles of democracy is being formed, the socio-cultural sphere is developing steadily, the spiritual image of our people is being renewed, the idea of ​​independence is deeply ingrained in their minds, our young independent state is taking its rightful place.
The Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan serves the interests of our people. Our main encyclopedia is protected by law, even to Mother Nature, the subterranean and terrestrial natural resources that encompass humanity, because it also serves man.
In connection with the adoption of the Constitution, propaganda work on the Constitution is being carried out in schools, colleges, lyceums, universities and libraries.
The task of the Republican libraries and IRCs is to draw the attention of readers to the study of our Constitution and to know their rights and duties, to follow the rules and to promote its important role in the policy of our state.
In this work, libraries and IRCs will present books on the promotion of literature, scientific-practical conferences, scientific-practical seminars, question-and-answer evenings, roundtables, scholarly contests, thematic and discussion evenings, meeting nights, book exhibitions, reviews of publications on the Constitution. can use a variety of fog methods such as.
Historians, lawyers, government officials, government officials, and legal staff can be involved in organizing such a series of events.

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