23rd general secondary education in Karshi
an elementary school teacher
The book's unique role in human life, the spiritual development of human society has long been known. It enriches the imagination of life, serves as an important tool in knowing the world, gives spiritual nourishment to souls, brings light. Today, the main goal of secondary school libraries is to educate the younger generation in the spirit of patriotism, to preserve our national and spiritual values, to study the cultural heritage of our people, to form a culture of reading, creative, educated , nurturing and developing free, life-loving, independent-minded individuals.
It is well known that the role of books in the exemplary organization of students' personality formation is invaluable. Socio-psychological research of children's reading allows to determine the age division of reader groups. It is divided into pre-school age readers, junior school age readers, adolescents and adolescents.
The primary school period is the initial stage of a child’s social development, during which the process of forming relationships with different aspects of life and stepping into the world of culture begins. When a child reaches the age of seven, the pre-school age period ends. The main achievements made up to this age are that the child has an understanding of the world related to human culture, children acquire the skills to communicate positively with people. By the end of the pre-school period, children reach a high level of readiness to acquire knowledge and develop as individuals, which gives them the opportunity to study temporarily in school.
It is known that a child plays an important role in his spiritual life only if he knows how to read a book. To do this, the book must guide the child's spiritual, mental, aesthetic development in order to enrich him spiritually. The first impulse is the first book read to the child in the family, the second is that the child hears the reading of his parents and feels the beauty of the artistic images. These are related to the child's later, adolescence in all areas of his spiritual life, work, play, music, children's creativity, and should cover all aspects of his life.
From the first day a student becomes a member of the library, the librarian is responsible for his or her reading. Children’s reading is of great importance because a book read in childhood will be remembered for a lifetime and will have an impact on the child’s subsequent development. The child should be taught to read thoughtfully and to master the art of practical application of what is read. With the help of the recommended literature, the librarian cultivates high moral and aesthetic qualities in his students, expands their intellectual horizons, has a positive impact on the reading and practical social activities of readers.
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the School Libraries Information Service said in a special statement: , education is a vital factor in strengthening peace and mutual understanding between peoples and nations. ” Indeed, the school ARMI and the library are also necessary as part of the overall library network in the implementation of the school education program.
Purposeful pedagogical influence on the reader-child is based on taking into account the age and specific psychological characteristics of the individual. There will be a peculiar difference in the reading of children of the same age. However, in each period of childhood, the specific features of reading, the specific activity of the quality of reading is manifested: a certain criterion of assessment; the reader’s question and its content, breadth, sustainability, reasons for referring to the literature, and so on.
         Teaching reading begins with instilling a love for books. At the same time, they should pay attention to children from an early age and provide them with beautiful, compact, colorful books that are published for children. Elementary school, especially first graders, will be interested in everything, asking a lot of questions. This necessitates the collaboration of teachers and librarians. When using the library, which is a treasure trove of knowledge, teachers should refer to children's literature, interesting reference books, encyclopedias, multimedia products, electronic databases, book exhibitions and bring new information to children. At the same time, it is useful to give students an idea that the answers to the questions in the lessons can be found using more books.

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