The secret scenario with the flag is the holiday scenario.


Course Objectives:
  1. a) Educational: Enriching the minds of students with the concepts of state symbols, to explain the role and importance of these symbols in the formation of attitudes to events.
  2. b) Educational: Awakening a sense of respect for the symbols of our state, and thus a sense of love for the Motherland.
  3. c) Developer: Development of acquired knowledge and skills, development of students' speech.
Course type: Traditional
Course method:         Conversation
Classroom:        The State Flag, Emblem, Anthem, Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Portrait of the President, samples of his works, photos reflecting the image, history, present and future of our Motherland, photo album.
Lesson motto:        "Children of Uzbekistan love their country!"
Course Outline:
Teacher: - Children, in the past, in the life of our people, there are many holidays and dates that it celebrates. There is a blessed day in our country, which has been celebrated with great joy and solemnity for 21 years, inscribed in golden letters on the history beads. This is the most sacred day for all of us, the day of independence of our Motherland.
Congratulations to all of you on this great day and we will start our lesson by singing the National Anthem! (The anthem is played together).
Teacher:  - Have you ever wondered why we celebrate Independence Day so solemnly?
Take a look at these words. Can you explain their content? (The teacher hangs on the board the papers with the words Independence, Independence, Hürriyet, Liberty, Freedom, Prospect. The students comment on these words one by one.)
1 - student:       - Independence is not to depend on anyone, to strive for the future with their own will and desire.
2 - student:       - By independence we mean the freedom and liberty that has ruled our country for 18 years.
3 - student:       - Freedom is a clear path to creativity.
4 - student:       - When we say freedom, we mean freedom, the ability to fly freely for the future.
5 - student:       - The future is the bright future we dream of.
Teacher:          - Very nice. Any country, if it is independent, must have its own flag, coat of arms, anthem. Flag, coat of arms, anthem… It is difficult to imagine these three words separately from the concept of state.
Having gained independence, a nation with a flag, coat of arms and anthem determines its own destiny.
You’ve seen soldiers waving flags, shouting, and advancing in many historical films, documentaries, and battle scenes. The flag will be raised first as a sign of victory. The flag is raised at the awards ceremony for those who have achieved high results in sports, and the anthem is played in honor of the country. He feels proud. At our school, too, the flag is raised every Monday of the week. The flag of our country is raised high on national holidays and celebrations.
During the reign of Amir Temur, the national flag also played an important socio-political, spiritual and educational significance. For this reason, the State Flag was guarded by Amir Temur's most trusted soldiers during the fighting. According to the "Statutes of Timur", the emirs and soldiers who showed courage and bravery over the enemy and won, were awarded the state emblems - the flag and drums. This is an indication of how high the state symbols are in the Sahibkiran kingdom. So what is the symbolic meaning of this?
The answer to this question is the following words of the President: “The state flag is the glory of the people. Respecting the flag means strengthening confidence in one's country and oneself. ”
Our insistence on the flag, coat of arms and anthem tells the story.
Teacher:  - If you want to hide with our flag, look for the colors in it from nature. We demonstrate these with the participation of children.
1 - student:   - I will be blue - a piece of clear sky. This means that the sky of my country will be peaceful. And again, these would mean that you have to spend for these processes. This life is a river, a river, not a blur, a clear stream.
2 - student:  -  I am red. I am pure blood flowing in the veins, not just the color. I call on young and old to live, work and fight under the banner of the Motherland
3 - student: -  I'll be white. I am a hammock. My heart is white and my work is pure. So, my compliments are more. I have taken a worthy place in the Flag so that the path of the people will be white, clean and smooth.
4 - student:  -  What does greenery mean? Greenery means hiding, confidence in the future. Bread means portion, fresh air, health - health. I always wish our people such kindness.
Thus, the colors in our flag can express their symbolic qualities. They are followed by oymoma and stars.
5 - student:  -  Oymomaman - oymoma, a grandmother rich in fairy tales. Even though my appearance is three or four days old, my intentions are to pour in people. If they think, I am secretive to their thoughts. If they walk, I will accompany them. I connect peaceful nights with peaceful days, I speak the honor of Uzbekistan between countries.
6 - student:  -  We are 12 stars, 12 moons. In short, we are in place for a year. Who lived, for better or for worse, we will not hesitate to evaluate. Again we are 12 stars - 12 constellations. We are always on the move with the Oyu Sun. Seasons change, new days, new people are born. We have a bar. We say that both the flag of the landed country and the world itself should stand.
Teacher:  - Our ancestors, along with the soil of the Motherland, kissed and raised its flag. It is a symbol of love and devotion to the Motherland. Another of the state symbols is the national anthem - a song we sing with pride and pride. Where did you find the word "anthem"?
The reader - Psalm "Hymn" called When the anthem is played, everyone stands up and sings together. When the national flag is raised, of course, the anthem is played.
Teacher:  -  "Hymn" is a Greek word spoken in ancient Greece to honor gods and folk heroes. The anthems later served to represent the unity of the state. Over time, it has become an expression of the unity of the Motherland and the people. In the anthem, pride in the homeland, responsibility for its fate and feelings of pride take on a special solemnity.
Question:  - What does the coat of arms of Uzbekistan look like? Who describes for the reductions?
1 - student:  - Our coat of arms has a wreath of the Sun shining over the blossoming valley, wheat ears on the right and cotton bowls on the left. The upper part depicts an octagonal star, which depicts the moon and stars, which is a symbol of peace and stability in our country. In the middle of it, a symbol of peace and prosperity is writing the wings of the legendary Humo bird.
2 - student:  - At the bottom of the coat of arms there are three ribbons representing the flag of the Republic - blue, red and white. "Uzbekistan" the word is written.
Teacher:  "Now I'll tell you a story." (A student enters the class in the form of a humo bird).
Reader:  "Hello, beautiful bird, its wings are silver."
 -  Vaalaykum assalam, O child of an independent country.
 -  What is your name, O bird, with silver wings?
 -  I am the Bird of Happiness - Humoman
Ehh, let's just say I've read about you in fairy tales. I dreamed of reading and seeing you.
 -  Are you right?
 -  Ha
Teacher "It used to be a country." His violent king invaded another country and demanded his wealth. The people were imprisoned. In the end, his share was full… The country was left without a king. At that time, when the people were wondering who to make king, the bird Humo appeared on the threshold of the land. The wise men came together and said, "Whoever lands on this bird will be king." The heralds shouted.
 -  People and people, don't say I haven't heard, those who have heard, stand up and walk to the square. The bird of happiness flies in the sky. Whoever this bird lands on will be king.
Those who heard this were in a hurry. How many wealthy officials have gritted their teeth for the throne. Happiness hunted the bird. But the bird landed on the head of the most generous and just, upright and wise young man. Justice prevailed in the country.
 -  You are that bird - ah, Humojon!
 -  Make no mistake, eat, child of an independent country. I traveled the blind lands. Alone you are like the land of your homeland in fairy tales. That is why I flew to you.
 "Thank you, Humojon!"
 "Humo is right, the people of this country have big hands and big bellies," said the ears of wheat.
 "We are the bread in the coat of arms, the blessing, the blessing," they said.
 -  We are the certificate of trust of the Motherland, - said the cotton in the bowls.
And the sun shone brightly and shed its golden rays:
 -  This is a sunny country. Both happiness and the throne are shed and idols. On our coat of arms there are two rivers - the Amu Darya and the Syr Darya.
The moon feeds on our coat of arms, your peaceful depot. Your caravan says that Venus is a shining star.
Teacher:  - The flag, coat of arms and anthem of the Republic of Uzbekistan are our pride and honor. In his speech, the head of state emphasized that we have a sense of respect for state symbols.
Without respect for state symbols, we cannot realize the place of our people as a nation, that Uzbekistan is one of the countries of the world.
So what else are included in the state symbols?
(Once the students have answered as they know, the teacher continues the conversation).
What is the most important aspect that sets you apart from others? Nadir, Akmal, Saida, Ozoda (their names are listed one by one).
Students:  - These are our names.
Teacher - Yes, guys, the most important thing that distinguishes each person from others is his name, as the name of any state is an integral part of his appearance. The name of our independent state is used everywhere as "Republic of Uzbekistan".
Teacher:  -  Can the Constitution of Uzbekistan also be a symbol of the state?
1 - student:  -  Yes, of course, because it is our basic law.
2 - student:  - The Constitution is the main law of Uzbekistan as an independent state.
Teacher - Language, too, students, is a mirror of every nation, that is, its spiritual wealth. Who can tell a poem about our native language, Uzbek?
Reader: -       My mother tongue is you,
Stop, you are mine.
I love you dearly,
My pride you are mine.
Teacher:  - The announcement by the President that the state language should be Uzbek before the declaration of independence, the entry into force of the law "On the state language" was a great event in the history of our country. .
Teacher:  - Who can beautifully tell a poem about our country and its capital?
The reader recites a poem.
Teacher:  -  Our basic law - the Constitution - states that "the capital of the Republic of Uzbekistan is the city of Tashkent." The capital is the face of every independent state, which has central governing bodies. Tashkent is a beautiful city, dear children, this year our capital Tashkent will celebrate its 2200th anniversary.
(Teacher on the board, the title of "Hero of Uzbekistan" and the highest medal "Golden Star", "Independence", "For great services", "Friendship", "Amir Temur", "For a healthy generation", Pupils' attention is drawn to the pictures depicting the orders of "Glory - Glory", medals "Glory", "Courage").
Teacher:  - The above titles and badges are also evidence of the independence of our state. These are given by the President to those who work in Uzbekistan and contribute to its development.
Now we come to the part where we talk about the middle ground. What holiday is it today?
All in unison:  - Independence Day
Teacher:  - What will be done on the holiday?
         Students:  - We play, laugh, recite poems, sing and dance.
Teacher:  "Otherwise, please." (Students perform 1-2 samples of pre-prepared interesting scenes. Their choice is up to the teacher and students).
At the end of the lesson, the following words of the President will be read out. "In the future, Uzbekistan should impress the world not only with its highly developed economy, but also with its educated and spiritually mature children."
         Teacher:  - The head of state of the Republic of Uzbekistan is the President. The head of state is the symbol of the nation, the caretaker of the state, the leader.
         The flag, anthem, coat of arms, Constitution, state name, state language, currency, national emblem, state awards, the President of Uzbekistan represent the existence of our country as an independent state. They are the bright symbols of Uzbekistan and will serve for today, tomorrow and our great future. As the head of our state said, "Respect for these symbols means strengthening one's self-esteem, confidence in one's country and oneself."

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