Training of children under 1 year old


Training of children under 1 year old
The body's immune system is a complex set of processes that have not been fully understood. Artificially increasing immunity does not always lead to good results. Immunity builds up over the years. The immune system is formed before the child is born, the mother encounters various microbes during pregnancy, and the mother's antibodies are transferred to the child through the blood.
After birth, antibodies pass to the child through breast milk. Also, the child himself struggles against independent external factors.
The role of mother's milk in strengthening immunity is great. WHO recommends raising immunity only with breast milk up to 6 months. But if the child is artificially fed, the immune system will be weak until he is 6 months old compared to the child who is fed with mother's milk. After 6 months, the child is given additional food, and from this period, it is possible to raise the body's immune system in a natural way. A child on artificial food is given additional food from the age of 5 months, that is, the child switches to a mixed diet. The formation of intestinal flora in a child, the balance of vitamins, proteins, fats and carbohydrates necessary for boosting immunity depends on this additional food.
How to train a child up to 5 months?
1. We create an optimal outdoor environment for the child:
a. clean oxygen-rich air, room temperature 17-25°, humidity 60-70%.
Our nursery is kept extremely warm, dry and humid. This is incorrect. For a child, cool and moist air makes breathing easier and strengthens the lungs.
b. Cleanliness is important but should not be sterile.
The child's room should be clean. But for the development of the immune system, the child needs to be exposed to microbes in the external environment in small amounts. (I don't mean clean the room, but don't disinfect the child from head to toe by drowning in alcohol chlorine) The child will not be in a sterile environment forever. He goes out to kindergarten, we can't put him in a sterile ball.
When a microbe enters in a small amount from the outside, the immune system fights against it and creates antibodies. Antibodies immediately destroy the same microbe the next time it encounters it again.
c. Adequate approach of close people around the child
Adequate approach. What is this?
Each family member is responsible for the child. But this responsibility is distributed differently.
Mother is the most important person. Of course, every woman has an innate maternal instinct. But family circumstances, cooking and cleaning sometimes weaken this instinct. Mothers are not given 3 years of decree leave for nothing. A pregnant woman or a housewife seems to everyone to be a lazy idle person. For this reason, he needs an additional burden, i.e. not just daily cleaning of the house, but also "general cleaning", preparing salad somsa or dessert for the whole day without skipping a single meal, sewing and mowing without sitting idle, etc. he should benefit from his livelihood by doing business. How much time can a mother devote to a child after so much work?
Although the father is an equally responsible person with the mother, he is limited only by material support. Paternal instinct is unfortunately not innate. Paternal instinct is formed when the father spends time with the child. How much time do fathers spend with their children?
Grandparents are family members who should have less influence than parents, but are more involved in our mentality. Grandmothers try to absorb their experiences in denial, even if the mother says that the doctor recommended it. Are their experiences and advice relevant today?
Brothers and sisters should feel affection for the child, i.e. their brother or sister, and not be jealous, correctly accepting that the baby needs more attention from the parents. If necessary, he should help his mother take care of the child. But for this, the brother or sister must be old enough to feel conscious. Our children are 1-2 years apart in a row. Even before the age of 1, aka or
there are children who have become sisters. Does the mother manage to pay equal attention to all her children?
2. Physical activity. Can physical activity be expected from a child who can't even sit, let alone crawl? It is possible. It is necessary to create conditions for the child to roll, crawl, hold the toy. Massaging a child is also beneficial for the formation of immunity (you can do it yourself by watching massage videos).
3. Vaccination (I will prepare a separate article about this later) All vaccinations specified in the state standard must be given to the child without fear.
4. Train the child.
a. With the weather - you should take a walk in the open air. It's a cold day, the child is a little sick, and things like that shouldn't limit the walk.
b. With water - the child should be bathed every day. (All information about how to bathe and care for children in general is available on the channel)
c. with the sun - between 7 and 10 in the morning, the child should enjoy ultraviolet rays.
5. The child should not be constipated or vice versa. (What to do with diarrhea when constipated or diarrhea is given on the channel)
6. In order for the child to have a peaceful and restful sleep, he should sleep at an age-appropriate hour. (See the table of age-appropriate sleep norms for a child, there is a picture of the table on the channel)
7. Additional artificial vitamins are given after 1 year. The only vitamin that is possible under the age of 1 is vitamin D. I will not talk too much about this vitamin. There is enough information in the channel.

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