Uzbek proverbs about nature, spring, summer


Uzbek proverbs about nature, spring, summer

  1. One spring day feeds a year/One spring day feeds a year — Odin vesenny den god kormit
  2. Even if it's summer, if it's not winter, if there's dinner, if there's no work byla b eda, no ne bylo b raboty
  3. Summer sadness in winter, winter sadness in summer/Summer sadness in winter, winter sadness in summer - Zabotsya o lete zimoy, o zime - letom
  4. A stone hits a fruit tree/A stone hits a fruit tree — Obychno v plodonosyashchee derevo kamni letyat
  5. If there is no wind, the tip of the tree will not move/If there is no wind, the tip of the tree will not move — Esli veter ne duet, verkhushki derevev ne kachayutsya

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