Uzbek proverbs about language, talking a lot, excessive words


Uzbek proverbs about language, talking a lot, excessive words

  1. Think first, speak later/Think first, speak later
  2. Say the word you say, back off the word you don't say/Say the word you say, back off the word you don't say - Koli sakzat skazat - skaji, a kol ne sakzat - promolchi
  3. The spoken word — the shot arrow/The spoken word — the shot arrow — Skazannoe slovo — vypushchennaya strela
  4. If I tell - my tongue will burn, if I don't - my tongue will burn/If I tell - my tongue will burn, if I don't tell - my tongue will burn
  5. It is better not to speak than to speak, and I got a stick on my head/It is better not to speak, and I spoke, and I got a stick on my head — Luchshe ne govorit, chem govorit, skazal i po golove palkoy shlopotal (Neskazannoe slovo luchshe skazannogo.)
  6. If you speak is silver, if you don't speak is gold/If you speak is silver, if you don't speak is gold
  7. Speak to the one who listens, breathes life into the soul
  8. The language of the right person is correct/The language of the right person is correct — U pryamodushnogo i yazyk pryamoy
  9. The key to the language is the language/The key to the language is the language, the language is the key to the language
  10. A friend speaks bitterly, an enemy laughs/A friend speaks bitterly, an enemy laughs - Drug hovorit kolko, a vrag - poteshaya
  11. If you want happiness - don't say much, if you want health - don't eat much/If you want happiness - don't say much, if you want health - don't eat much
  12. If you speak less, you will hear more
  13. Leg race - to the soup, tongue race - to the head / Leg race - to the soup, tongue race - to the head - Rezvost nog (ili ruk) k ede, rezvost yazyka k bede
  14. If you don't find money, ask for money/If you don't find money, ask for money — Esli ne mojesh pomoch materialno, hot prilaskay dobrymi slovami
  15. The stick goes through the flesh, the word goes through the bone/The stick goes through the flesh, the word goes through the bone - Ot palki bolno telu, a slovo pronzit do kosti
  16. Tongue run — to the head, hand run — to the soup/Tongue run — to the head, hand run — to the soup — Bystrye nogi kormyat, ostryy yazyk gubit
  17. Tongue is sharper than a sword/Tongue is sharper than a sword — Clovo (yazyk) ostree mecha
  18. Both good words and bad words come from the same mouth/Good words and bad words come from the same mouth — Odnimi ustami mojno skazat i dobrye slova i ploxie

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