What are hormones


What are hormones?
About the most important hormones❗️❕

Hormones are biologically active substances that control the most important processes in the body

According to experts, the following symptoms are associated with hormonal changes:

* changes in appearance
* rapid decline in vision
* itching or redness in the skin area
* Hair growth and thickening on the skin
* older appearance
* chronic fatigue, depressed mood
* obesity, weight loss, nervousness

Which hormone plays what role❓

Estrogen is the secret of attractiveness

Testosterone is physical strength

Oxytocin is a timing aid

Thyroxine and triiodothyronine are metabolic controllers

Insulin is a diabetes controller

Somatotrop is a beautiful figure

Progesterone is a pregnancy hormone (pregnant women need it like water and air)

Prolactin is a regulator and controller

Endorphins are the hormone of happiness