What it means to see a tooth in the morning


Teeth in the afternoon
Svetkov's dream interpretation

In the afternoon, teeth - pure white teeth - good luck, health; rotten - quarrel; cleaning or buying paste - an expected guest; good luck at work;

soft, crumbling (wood or glass) - to death; if something sticks to his teeth - separation; loss of bad teeth - loss of care; breaking up a relationship with a boring person; artificial - lying in love; bad - disease tooth loss - death of a relative;

right side male or elderly person; left - female or young; broken tooth - failure; tooth placement - benefit; a complete loss of teeth without blood, your loved ones will tell you; teeth (teeth, jaw) - close relatives;

Jaws refer to household items. Toothache improves your relationship with close friends or loved ones.

Teeth in the afternoon

Interpretation of Nostradamus
The tooth is a symbol of loss of vital energy, compression. If your teeth suck your dream - you are afraid of losing someone close to you. If your teeth fall out, there will be confusion in reaching your goal. dreaming that is rotten and falling in the dream - diseases, health problems. Warns of premature aging. A sore tooth means solving your problems.

What teeth fall into a dream

According to Loffa
It is common for teeth to fall out in the afternoon. Dreams in sleep often disturb the dreamer. Others do not notice or lose attention to tooth loss during sleep. The 19-year-old said: “My teeth in my hair started to fall out on their own.

When I approached the young man, he did not notice anything. In life, it feels good to break up with this person. Another cause of dreams about tooth loss can be physical sensations such as grinding of teeth or sensitivity of teeth.

In Miller's dream interpretation
If you see a tooth in your usual dream- illness and discomfort, meeting people. If you see your teeth fall out, it’s unfortunate.


Tabir is not a prophecy, but Allah is the One Who knows everything.

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