Cache memory is used in many areas today. It will help you and us get our information faster than usual.
It is used in DNS systems in processors, external and internal memories, and in web browsers. It allows the user to get the necessary information by indexing it in the example of a temporary memory.
In processors, I think you have already noticed points such as L1, L2, L3 cache while viewing their features.
L1 is the fastest of these and is called the first-level cache and is part of the functional blocks of the processor, located side by side with the processor crystal. Naturally, L2 and L3 are slightly different in terms of speed.
Both external and internal memories use caching technology. This gives us:
processor performance speed, less stress on RAM and speed up data reading,
Disks provide advantages such as life extension and quick access to memory blocks.
The word cache is directly related to the English word "to cover". This term was introduced to IT in 1968 by an article written for IBM magazine. In a 1967 IBM Systems Journal article on improving RAM for the IBM System/360 Series 85, the term "quick buffer" was used to simplify the term "cache".