What is the driver itself?


The problem for many is where do I get the driver for the devices installed on the computer?
What is the driver itself?
A driver is a special program that connects devices on a computer (video card, wifi module, bluetooth module, etc.) to the operating system. Without this software, your devices will not work at all.
For example, you bought a notebook, the Wi-Fi module in it does not work, or you have a desktop computer, but it does not make sound. Familiar situation).
So the bottom line is that without a driver, your device is the iron itself.
You must have a driver.
Usually, when you buy a computer or notebook, you are given an additional disk, which contains the drivers of all the devices in the computer you bought, you turn on the computer, plug in the disk and install the drivers in series, everything is simple.
As far as I know, many computer stores are not currently adding a drive with a drive to their notebooks or desktops.
When buying a computer, of course, ask the seller for the discs with the driver, do not be ashamed and do not be afraid.
What to do if the driver did not get the drive at the time of purchase?
There are many ways to find the drivers you need, I’ll list one of them. This method is a special program - search for drivers through Driver Booster (https://t.me/planetaitsoft/100).
1. You install the Driver Booster. Internet is not required during the installation process, only Yandex browsers are recommended to install, remove the settings and do not install them.
2. The program will start automatically, click "Scan" and the program will analyze your computer and determine which drivers are needed, for which the computer must be connected to the Internet.
3. You will be offered 3 different columns:
- Device without driver installed.
- Driver installed, but older version.
- The latest version of the driver is installed.
4. Select the devices you want to install and click the "Update Now" button, of course, with an Internet connection.
5. The program will install the ones that are available in its database and are suitable for you.
6. You will be prompted to restart the computer and all your devices will start up.
☝️She has been tested on Windows 10 and Windows 7. After the software was installed on the HP notebook running Windows 10, through which about 140MB of drivers were downloaded, the blue screen came out, rebooted, and ran smoothly.
☝️☝️Always install the drivers immediately after the Windows operating system is installed so that there are no problems. If you run all the programs and then install the driver, if there is a problem, you will need to reinstall these programs again.
Install the driver one by one so that if one has a problem, you will know exactly which one is the problem.
Download the program: Driver Booster

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