What is white and red fever? Which one is dangerous?


What is white and red fever? Which one is dangerous?

🛑RED FEVER - this is clearly visible from the outside. The face, arms, and legs are hot to the touch, and the faces are red.

⭕️White fever - it looks normal at first glance, but when the body temperature is measured under the armpit, the body temperature is above normal. When the face, arms, and legs are touched, the temperature is constant.

Of course WHITE HEAT is dangerous here.
First, parents simply touch the child's face, arms, or legs, conclude that there is no fever, and ignore it.
Second, doctors usually recommend that a fever below 38C is not dangerous, as it is the body's natural response to antigens. This is only possible with a red fever. If there is a white fever and the child's body temperature is below 38C, it is considered dangerous. This is because the fever still rises until it reaches the arms and legs, that is, the three parts of the body.

CONCLUSION In any case, do not hesitate to take your child's body temperature.

@ Bolalarshifokori1

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