What to do to get pregnant?


Of course, there is a lot of advice on how to plan a pregnancy. Attempts to determine the day of ovulation, excessive ultrasound examinations, basal body temperature measurements, certain types of sexual intercourse, etc., often lead to more anxiety, doubts about whether it will happen or not. This negatively affects the balance of hormones in the body and in the reproductive system, not only in women but also in men.

What to do to get pregnant?
What to do to get pregnant?

When are you more likely to get pregnant?

"When are you more likely to get pregnant?Both psychologists and gynecologists answer the question:when a woman thinks less about getting pregnantThey answer. Because when a woman thinks about getting pregnant, she immediately starts taking precautions. However, the organism itself makes the appropriate changes and adaptations even if the woman does not want to.

The huge number of abortions around the world is proof of this. Abortion is often the result of an unwanted pregnancy. That is, the woman did not want to get pregnant, or did not think about it.

Therefore, a woman who wants to become pregnant should not think about it too much. Of course, he should ask with intention and prayer. But it is necessary to act not with greed, but with gratitude, contentment and peace of mind. Every time I think about whether this month will come or not, why it happened, why it happened, it has a negative effect on the psyche and, in turn, on the body.

On the contrary, it is important not to think too much about good intentions and pregnancy. It is important to remember that the creator of the fetus is kinder to her than her mother, and not to worry about whether she will fall. Doctors have a joke. "There are people who have not been tested, not healthy people." In other words, if everyone is tested, they will be diagnosed with a disease. These include barriers to childbearing.

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“Am I sick… ?!”

Often emotional women think that they may have a disease because they cannot get pregnant. The doctor also supports this suspicion and treats him. However, if there is no pregnancy in the months following the treatment, the same old "I can't get pregnant, so I have something" program will be launched in the woman's mind. So the notion that he was not treated well is supported and he goes to another doctor again. More new investigations, more new treatments. Thus it revolves around an impassable circle.

Of course, there are objective medical reasons (such as obstruction of the fallopian tubes, anovulation, low sperm quality) that prevent childbearing. What we are talking about now is that there are no such reasons, only conclusions that can be drawn from some investigations, from different approaches. Just as someone interprets half a glass of water as half empty, someone interprets it as half full.

In conclusion, our advice in such situations is not to think too much about pregnancy in order to get pregnant. Have moderate and regular sex. The less you think and the less you wait, the faster pregnancy will occur. In other words, accept the negative result with the understanding that "if it is not this month, then it is not, but if it is good, then it will be the next month." Keep the spirit in balance with positive thinking, contentment, and good intentions. If you have to go through checks, go for them, but don't get distracted by them.

Recommendations for couples who are unable to conceive without good reason

Here are some tips for couples who no longer have serious problems, but for some reason can not get pregnant.

  • Get rid of negative habits like drinking and smoking (this applies equally to both men and women);
  • Take multivitamins, especially folic acid (400 mcg). This prevents fetal developmental defects in the child;
  • If you have a chronic illness, consult a doctor. Find out if there are any side effects during pregnancy. It is best to consult a dentist or therapist. Depending on the need for the remaining specialists;
  • Go to the gynecologist. Get a smear test and an ultrasound scan. It is better to go in the second half of the menstrual cycle. Then you will know that ovulation is taking place and how the "yellow body" works. Remember, a woman does not ovulate every month. If it wasn't on the show, don't worry, it may have happened at the time.
  • TORCH - infection test can be performed;
  • If possible, have a colposcopy (examination of the cervix under a microscope).

If it has not been determined yet, get tested to determine your and your spouse's blood type. This is to make sure that there is no conflict in the rhesus factor. If the rhesus factor is negative, an analysis will be needed to determine if there is any additional anti-rhesus antibody.

The following analyzes can also be submitted against any probability:

  • Hepatitis B, C, HIV, syphilis, general analysis of blood, urine, coagulogram tests;
  • It is recommended that one of the couples undergo a genetic test if they have a genetic disorder or if the woman is over 35 years old.
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Of course, the list goes on and on. But it is important to know the norm in everything. If you or your spouse have been diagnosed with a disease, you may need to see a doctor (reproductologist) to get pregnant and follow an individual treatment plan.

Expert: Nilufar Kabilova, gynecologist.
Source: Your Gynecologist Channel.

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