Why do babies wake up startled?


Why do babies wake up startled?

When a child is first born, all his actions are in the center of attention. Some of the behaviors that parents observe in their crushes are gratifying, while others are troubling. Family members are worried, especially if the baby is startled when he is sound asleep.

Reasons why babies wake up startled:

Doctors say that such cases are more common in premature babies. Parents' concerns should not be the reason for this;

Children should be active a lot. Activity has a positive effect on every baby. Immobile babies often wake up;

Even in the womb, the baby establishes an emotional connection with the outside world. This can also be one of the reasons for the perception. The child even wakes up several times from different emotions. Don't worry if it doesn't startle more than 10 times during the rest period.

Children's muscles, like adults, decrease sharply during sleep, as a result of which they experience a feeling of fear. Such phenomena are, of course, dependent on inner experience. The reason is that at such a time the baby is given an anxious feeling.

Do not think that babies do not understand anything. They have a very strong sense of perception. Especially they notice love from inside.

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