Why does the child cheat?


Why does the child cheat?

We know that our children are very imaginative. But these dreams can be dangerous.

Until about 3-4 years old, children don't know how to lie at all, and they don't even need to.

They do not even think of keeping something secret from their parents. It is after the age of 4 that the child begins to analyze the events that happen to him and ask himself questions: "Why was I punished?", "How can I escape from such a situation?" ?", "Will I be encouraged by Adam?" In order to avoid all the "no" and "impossible" of his father and mother, he goes to all sorts of extremes.

Just remember, when your child came from the street with his pocket full of various stones, you thoughtlessly ignored your child's tearful cries of "I really need them" , you take all of them and throw them in the trash, because the house must be clean. Or another example: when your child is interested in watching cartoons, you send him to his room to draw because his favorite series is on.
Of course, our children must fulfill the requirements we set, but these requirements must also take into account his views and wishes. Otherwise, your child will start looking for the opposite ways to fulfill his wishes and desires, that is, he will start cheating.
You will be the one to blame.

Psychologists say that the parents themselves are the cause of the first lie of the child.

It's true, now you may be thinking, "It's not just me." After all, isn't it you, knowing that your child has locked the broken toy under the sofa because he is afraid of you, and you ask him, "Where is the car that Adajo gave as a gift?" you asked. With this question, you will encourage your child to go down the path of deception. Rather: "My child, I found your broken car under the couch. It is not possible to do so. Machines should be played carefully. They will fix it in the evening. Next time, you'd better just tell me." The confidence and gratitude awakened in your child's heart will motivate him to become a correct and decent person in the future.

Do you know what kind of children are often cheaters? These are the children of parents who want to create Olympic winners, very intelligent people, high-achieving professionals. Such parents expect too much from their children, and the children cannot live up to their trust. Then, in order to please his parents, the child weaves lies such as "I gave the best answer in class today" or "I was praised at music school." Even when he achieves small achievements, he tries to make these achievements appear big.
So when you set a goal for your child, think about whether the goal is too high.
Maybe you should take your child's wishes into account and praise him more? Then the child will not make up lies to win your affection.

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