Scenario of the contest dedicated to Zulfiya's birthday


In Altynkul district
28th boarding school
Yunusova Masudahon
For the 100th anniversary of Zulfiyakhanum
prepared event
                   "Followers of Zulfiyakhanim"
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Assalamu alaykum, O light of my enlightenment,
My epics Alpomish, Barchinoy-u, Rustam-u.
The future of my country, O brave heavens.
Blessed is your Uzbek dictionary in the circles,
Your Uzbek kindness, your identity is blessed.
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Thanksgiving is upon us, which means the holiday season is in full swing.
For days full of meaning and content.
To prosperous, radiant great days
O my free land, my Uzbekistan!
O prosperous land, my Uzbekistan!
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Hello, dear teachers! Dear peers, schoolmates
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Hello, guests who came to watch our event!
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 A nation that protects and glorifies its wife is a great nation. The children of a nation whose wives are happy are well-rounded and have a bright future.
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You are the beginning of life
The bright sun of the hearts of children
He is a master painter of Paradise
Only you, dear women!
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Spring is in your heart,
Loyalty and fidelity are on your way.
The cradle of the world is in your hands,
You are dear, dear women.
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It is not in vain that we begin our speech with the definition of women. ”I would like to thank our famous poetess Zulfiyakhanum, who not only embodied her poems, but also the spiritual image of an Uzbek woman all her life.
It is no exaggeration to say that her poems, which were sung from the pulpits of the world, taught humanity, love and devotion to millions of poetry fans as a bright expression of the intellect and virtue of the woman of the East. Said the esteemed President Islam Abduganievich Karimov
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President Islam Karimov signed a decree on October 2014, 31 on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the birth of the People's Poet of Uzbekistan Zulfiya.
to our people, the general public, women, our literature and our ancestors.
greeted as an example of high respect.
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    Today, the people of our country have made it a tradition to celebrate every spring with the birthday of the poetess Zulfiya. The books of the poetess can be found on the shelves of many family libraries in our country. a group of girls
She is awarded the Zulfiya State Prize.
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In our school, our students are not inferior to Zulfiyakhanim's daughters with their excellent studies, creativity, talents and abilities.
Zulfiya, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of her birth
we have organized a contest among these girls.
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We will introduce the conditions of our competition. The first condition is the condition of introduction, in which our girls will present their teams.
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The second condition is a question-and-answer condition, in which our girls
How much they have mastered Zulfiya's life and work
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In the third condition, we test our girls' artistic reading skills based on Zulfiyakhanim's poems.
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Our fourth condition, "Don't be cheap, be a cook," is a testament to how well girls know the secrets of making vitamin-rich salads.
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Our fifth condition is a free topic, in which we learn about how groups organize their free time meaningfully.
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In addition, the creative work of students prepared for the event will be evaluated.To assess the conditions
1. Chairman of the jury, director of boarding school 28 Rakhmonova Feruzakhon Sultanovna.
2. Members of the jury:
1.Urinova Hamidahon Tursunbaevna - teacher of native language and literature.
 2. Khaitova Dilnozaxon - a teacher of native language and literature.
3. Arslonova Gulbadanhon - teacher of mathematics.
4. Calculator of scores - Abdullajonova Zilolahon - teacher of mathematics.
                Now we invite the teams of 7- "A"; 7- "D" class girls, who are the participants of our event, to the round, and the teams will introduce themselves in turn.
The teams that have been introduced will go and sit in their places separated from the circle.
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As a flower, the flower blooms
Gulshan aro Gulchehralar,
As a flower, let it play
Handmade henna roses
Until the jury evaluates the condition of the presentation
We will watch a beautiful dance performed by 7th grade B girls.
"SHUKRONA" dance
Points on condition 1 will be announced.
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Marhabo: O humor of my dear heart,
Your great good news is in my hands.
Be strong! Guvilla, spring of my country!
Let the flowers shine on your path.
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Spring is the beginning of the season when the universe and man are renewed
The life and work of Zulfiya Israilova, who was born on the eve of
we test our girls ’knowledge about.
           The groups take turns answering quick questions
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   “I live according to the wishes of my people,
     I live in the heart of freedom "
Hamid Olimjon was absolutely right when he said that. Poet Zulfiya is also from our hearts with her burning poems
firmly established.
Teams recite poems they have prepared.
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Before our judges evaluate the "Expressive Reading" condition, we bring to your attention the dance performed by the girls of the 5th "B" class.
                       "Don't say hello, hello"
We publish the scores of the groups on the expressive reading condition.
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"Who is this lady?"
Pour out the tongue that speaks the answer you know;
"Peace is Solidarity!"
The victorious woman who proclaimed to the world.
    They demonstrate their culinary skills in front of us all.
1st starter rest,
Continue to be a passionate poet,
Dude, come on.
 We are pleased to introduce you to the poetry exercises of our creative students who practice writing poetry at our school!
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Before our judges evaluate the 4th condition, we will listen to samples of poems by the poetess Zulfiya from 6th grade students.
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My homeland is Uzbekistan,
Andijan is my place of remembrance,
This is a country where the root of my inspiration is water,
This is a gift of poetry and poetry.
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Great desire for great teachers,
My goal is to be close to them.
I have no hope in front of my people,
When I walk in the ranks of poets, I breathe.
Now we will test the creative potential of our girls through the "Free Topic".
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Until the jury evaluates the 5th condition, we will watch a dance performed by Mohirahon Ikromjanova, a student of 7th "B" class.
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We will now listen to the participants' assessments of condition 6.
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Now we hear the teams ’overall scores.
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I hold the yellow flower of my heart to you,
When I say my name, my soul is high
My dear Motherland, you are my mother, I am your child.
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They ask my last name, I said Uzbek,
My esteemed property, my wealth, this is freedom, I said.
 I said from Navoi, the light in my face, the beauty,
My dear Motherland, you are my mother, I am your child.

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