A plant that can put an end to insomnia…


A plant that can put an end to insomnia…
After the age of 50, a person begins to suffer from insomnia. Insomnia, especially for those with serious health problems, can be debilitating. How many types of medicine do you take, where does it work?

Australian scientists have identified a plant species that can eliminate insomnia. It is a saffron plant. Researchers recruited dozens of volunteers between the ages of 50 and 80. They were given a saffron tincture of 28 mg for 16 days. During this time, participants were able to sleep at night. But scientists do not recommend drinking this extract without a doctor’s recommendation. Because only a specialist can accurately determine the dose of this drug.
By the way, saffron leaves various pains and calms the nerves. It helps in the prevention of some lung diseases. Improves brain function. Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. It has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract.

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