Scenario for the competition "The best reader"


Scenario for the competition "The best reader"
                    Scenario of the contest "The best reader" by Hakima Mahmudova, a native language and literature teacher of school No. 10 in Andijan
  Scenario for the "Best Reader" competition.
            The library reading room will be festively decorated. A place will be prepared for participants and guests of the event. Under the sound of a pleasant melody, the starter enters the stage.
            Beginner: Wherever you go in our country,
                                               The most pleasant word is "Hello".
                                               This word will sound when you meet,
                                               Make a wish along the way.
                                               A good word cure, they say,
                                               There is no better word than word.
                                               When it is light or cloudy, the sky,
                                               "Hello" sounds everywhere.
                                               A friend is, first and foremost, a guest
                                               Wishes: Be healthy.
                                               I express my love for my country - hello!
                                               I say hello to my country Uzbekistan!
            Assalamu alaykum, dear guests, dear book lovers. We are announcing the contest "The best reader". The head of our school O. We will give it to Khalikova, who in turn will introduce the terms of the competition.
            O. Khalikova: Hello dear book lovers! Review is our choice
Welcome to Stage 1! I will acquaint you with the conditions of the competition and the evaluation criteria.
            March 1. Introduction. In this condition, the student provides information about his or her family. Introducing national traditions - our customs should be in accordance with the requirements of Uzbek kindness and morality. This condition is given up to 5 minutes and is rated up to 10 points.
            March 2 Computer literacy.
            This condition is given 10 minutes and is rated up to 30 points.
            March 3 Demonstration of talent.
            In this case, the participant must read excerpts from a poetic story or fairy tale, draw pictures, samples of his work, which he likes to read. This condition takes up to 4 minutes and is rated up to 20 points.
            March 4 Reading examples from Uzbek poetry.
            Up to 10 minutes are allowed in this condition.
            5 - condition. Reading fiction.
            In this case, the participant must expressively read the text given by the jury, tell about the fiction he read and their content. This condition takes up to 15 minutes and is graded up to 20 points.
Moderator: Dear book lovers, with your permission, I would like to introduce the jury:
Chairman of the Jury:                                      O. Kholikova (School Director)
            Member of the Board: M. Mirzaeva (MMIBDO)       
            Member of the Board:                        X Mahmudova (teacher of native language and literature)         
            Member of the Board:                        O.Tajiboeva (teacher of native language and literature)          Member of the Board:                         N. Saidumarova (Informatics teacher)                             Member of the Board: _______________________________

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